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  • rodneyworthington replied to the topic condition report in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    i always take my own photos before and after a lease.


    Rodney Worthington – Property Valuations

  • rodneyworthington replied to the topic Is this possible? in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    do your homework and this type of thing can still work effectively.. be aware though that the market is very slow at the moment and the profits just aren’t there like they were 18 months ago…

    still, if the property is quality it still has some profit to be squuezed!


    Rodney Worthington – Property…[Read more]

  • rodneyworthington replied to the topic Help nedded! in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    nice job , Caleb.. it seems that some of us may end up working for you someday! =)

    as one poster said though, make sure ou remember to have fun and don’t forget to be a kid.. You only get the opportunity once, so don;t miss out on all the good stuff!

    Great to see the younger generation thinking about the future thought! Study hard mate and you…[Read more]
