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  • Profile photo of RodneyHRodneyH
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 3

    Oh, and also:

    is another free(?) site I believe.

    Profile photo of RodneyHRodneyH
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 3

    At the moment, I'm about to "invest" in an LPG conversion for my Ford Falcon. At 800 dollars after government rebate, I'll earn that money within 10 months at my current level.

    Once you factor in the rising costs of petrol that are going to continue, you make money by saving money every week.

    It's not really what you are talking about, but still, I'm considering it as an investment. Good to get in before Rudd takes away the rebate (possibly next financial year?).

    Profile photo of RodneyHRodneyH
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 3

    I am currently on the look out for my first rental place (after a 2 bedroom apartment near Brisbane CBD), and in my travels I've found to be the best for private advertising, but to be honest, it's not really as "good" a website as it could be.

    By that I mean, it's bland, and mostly textual. Which is great from a minimalist perspective, but I believe that Domain has the best "site" in terms of usability and layout, and that if this was replicated onto perhaps an advertisement-funded free to advertise website, it could be a winner.

    Another problem with gumtree is that it is largely unmoderated, despite being owned by ebay, there seems to be alot of ads in the wrong categories which is agravating to the user, such as "rent wanted" ads being in the "rent offered" section, and there has also been some cases where scammers have posted fake ads on there, one I came into contact with was someone offering an inner city unit for a too-good-to-be-true price, turns out he is from america and is using it for some sort of identity theft. Stuff like that puts me, as a potential renter off websites like those.

    I guess it is a bit off topic, but I thought that some property investors would be keen to hear my thoughts on properties advertised through sites like these. Don't get me wrong, I'll still go through gumtree in my search for an apartment, but I'll be vary wary.

    As a software developer by occupation (and also studying part time) I can see how this sort of website could be done alot better, and given the write administration, marketing and moderation, could be successfull. Perhaps I'll start making something in my spare time and see if I can get close to what I believe would be the ideal site.

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