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  • rocket2 replied to the topic Air Con Maintenance in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Hi Sonya, evaporative airconditioners are a very poor form of airconditioning. They rely on low humidity to work efficiently, when humidity is high the water does not evaporate and so you have little or no cooling. If your neighbour has the same type and it is working OK then yours is faulty, if they have a compressor driven unit then it could be…[Read more]

  • rocket2 replied to the topic finance for investment property in the forum Finance 20 years ago

    Hi Kir, your own home loan does not go up, you can borrow the full amount for the investment property but it will be secured against your own home since that is where you have your equity. Have a talk to a mortgage broker in your area, it will not cost you anything and they can explain how it all works. Cheers.

  • rocket2 replied to the topic Can I keep my neg geared properties as well??? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    HI all, an “interest free home loan?” what is it? surely you get nothing for nothing?

  • rocket2 replied to the topic Cost of demolishing? in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    Hi Ausprop, unfortunately i dont live in summer bay , im in the hunter valley in NSW, you know, the TAXATION STATE!!

  • rocket2 replied to the topic Cost of demolishing? in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    Hi guys, I havnt been online for some time, been busy demolishing an old caravan park to build houses. Be aware that demolition costs can skyrocket if you have say a asbestos roof as was the case with mine. Also dumping costs for waste concrete can also be pretty high, good luck.

  • rocket2 replied to the topic Which City/Suburb you live? in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago

    Hi all ! Maitland (in the Hunter Valley)
    Home of Steamfest, 20 minutes to the beach, close to the vineyards,45 minutes to major coal mines,90 minutes to Sydney, major shopping, new home to the Department Of Mineral Resources (under construction), new home to Caterpillar (site fast-tracked to be completed in the first half of 04), more industrial…[Read more]

  • rocket2 replied to the topic FHOG advice in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Thanks Simon,
    Looks like if you bought an investment property after 2000 and did not live in it you can still get the grant, Is that correct?

  • rocket2 replied to the topic FHOG advice in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Simon.. When you apply for the FHOG It asks whether you or your partner have ever owned residential property in Australia. So how can you have an investment property and still be able to apply? Rocket[?]

  • rocket2 replied to the topic Interstate Investing. in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Sorry, Newcastle & Hunter Valley is where I hail from. Regards Rocket[8D]

  • rocket2 replied to the topic Interstate Investing. in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    A network of likeminded peole around Australia could probably inspect properties for each other. I wonder where you’d find people like that???[^]

  • rocket2 replied to the topic POSITIVIE GEARING – HELP ME? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    A lot of positive cash flow properties ive seen are the ugly ducklings,or have something about them keeping the price down.
    Excluding position i think you just have to have enough vision to see how you can make the property more desirable.
    Dont forget you can also improve your current returns..E.G. Ihave a 2 bed. unit i was getting $110.00 PW for.…[Read more]

  • rocket2 replied to the topic The one that got away…… in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Boomerang beach, Pacific Palms, 2 bed. unit, absolute beachfront with views to match! Looked at buying it in 2000 for 220000, decided against because of low yeild. It has just come back on the market at $750000!!

  • rocket2 replied to the topic 6 questions worth pondering in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    1. My parents went on the old age pension..Needless to say they dont live a flambouant lifestyle.

    2. I have accumulated 2 houses, a block of 3 * 2 bed. units, and i just bought an old run down caravan park (still has income) sitting on 7 torrens titled blocks which i want to develop into 12 * 3 bed. townhouses. This has taken 3 years and boosted…[Read more]

  • rocket2 replied to the topic why have you decided to start investing? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    So i can have someone to carry my luggage [:P]

  • rocket2 replied to the topic WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    Tomorrow never comes….so get started today!

  • rocket2 replied to the topic who plans to buy in the next month ? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi everyone, always looking! always keen! Would buy daily if the sum’s add up and i could get the finance. Rocket[^]

  • rocket2 replied to the topic capitalising interest in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Thanks guys, appreciate your opinions.Do you think the way to go might be to set it up but leave redraw funds available in my home loan to cover any future rulings? Thanks Rocket[8D]

  • rocket2 replied to the topic paying finders fee’s in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    thanks shaun, appreciate the comments. i susspected the figures may have been slightly loaded, will check the figures out not interested in negative gearing at all! been there done that!just interested in passive income these days. anyway thanks again…Rocket.
