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  • TMA
    Veteran Forum Contributor [3794 posts]
    Posted 03/07/2005, 18:58:16

    I didn’t say I “favoured” it… just that I could think of many reasons for it.

    Veteran Forum Contributor [3794 posts]
    Posted 29/07/2005, 11:42:13

    Yep. That is why I buy property in a company name. If I want to live in it, I just ‘rent’ it from the company. I have…[Read more]

  • OK TMA

    “Every family is born with a father as the banker.

  • Sorry TMA
    I don’t have a specific point to make.
    Just wanting to start a disscusion based on that sentence.
    What are the reasons that you would favour buying appreciating assets in a company structure? Maybe against as well.
    As coasty Mike mentioned CG is paid on the total gain. Hi Mike , Terry. Mike apart from holding assets personally do you…[Read more]

  • RobJanice replied to the topic Is this worth it?? in the forum Legal & Accounting 21 years ago

    And when buying a property will the interest on a loan taken out by a company be more than a personal home loan.

    Master REL

    You will find in generally a higher interest rate and much shorter loan repayment period.

    Cheers Rob

    “Every family is born with a father as the banker.

  • RobJanice replied to the topic Property Investment Software in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi guys

    we’ve found microsoft excel to be the most useful tool

    Try it

    R& J

    “Every family is born with a father as the banker.

  • RobJanice replied to the topic The beginning of the end for negative gearing? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Michael

    Its a pleasure to see you in this forum

    Rob W

    P.S you never rang back

    “Every family is born with a father as the banker.

  • RobJanice replied to the topic Is neg gearing worth it? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Boothy

    What is it you would like to achieve?

    Once you can answer that then a course can be set.

    Cheers Rob

    “Every family is born with a father as the banker.

  • RobJanice replied to the topic Distributing Trust Income in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Tas

    futher to steve’s reply is that once you have funds in your corporate benificiary and paid tax @ 30% you then are only holding the funds. If you want to distribute from then on ,you can pay franked dividends to the share holders or wages to the employees if it is a trading co.If it is a trading co then the funds can be spent on deductable…[Read more]

  • RobJanice replied to the topic how soon? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi riegaz94

    1) pay it down

    2) value add

    3) capital growth


    “A bank is a place where where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain

  • RobJanice replied to the topic Property Investment Companies… any experiences? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Rick & Kirby

    quote:when I buyRemember to always ask “who gets paid


    Steve McKnight

    I believe this answer is very important as it applies to the food chain concept

    Cheers Rob

    “A bank is a place where where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain

  • quote:I was wondering if anyone has purchased property with the assistance of any Melbourne based property Investment companies ?

    Hi Rick

    We never have to date, as we prefer to have total control.The more people along the food chain the more careful you need to be.This is not advice Rick ,only what we do.

    “A bank is a place where where they…[Read more]

  • RobJanice replied to the topic +ve cashflow, +ve geared property in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Matduqua


    quote: just recently bought a -ve geared property (my 1st IP), I definetely bought it for Capital Gain ie buy & hold, waiting for the price go up. That is the only way I can see/understand at the moment


    At the moment the property is costing you money reason is expenses are more than income.That is -ve. Should you structure the…[Read more]

  • RobJanice replied to the topic Why Positive Rental Cash Flow Doesnt work in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Ireland

    Just a thought

    quote:Buying these cheap arse properties are not going to make you a millionare.

    I presume you are obviously a millionaire to be able to know what won’t work. That being the case it would be great to hear of how you have been able to get where you are

    Looking forward to reading your post

    Cheers Rob

    “A bank is…[Read more]

  • RobJanice replied to the topic “Subject to” clauses in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Young gun

    One of the things we did years ago was visit bookshops in search of information. You will find that there are a lot of books on wealth ,property, shares and mindsets. Over time we have read lots of books that lead you to search for more info again. Still to this day we will visit bookshops and see whats new.Over time you will…[Read more]

  • RobJanice replied to the topic Why Positive Rental Cash Flow Doesnt work in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi all

    This has been the most entertaining discussion so far.

    Tails227. I too would love to hear a little more about your uncle & father.

    quote:1/How would a 2% increase in interest rates efect a property


    A property may not sell for as much as when the rates are higher. Or if it is a desirable property it may have no affect.
    2% increase…[Read more]

  • RobJanice replied to the topic ADDICTION – to this site -a lighter note in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi All

    Yep what a great site. We all stand to glean a bit if extra info.There seem to be a lot of doers on this site rather than talkers.Good on ya all


    Harrison says thanks Steve and all

    Cheers Rob

    “A bank is a place where where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain

  • RobJanice replied to the topic Bank Valuations, who pays? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Should I pursue this or is it a lost cause? If we are entitled to it why are they making it so hard to give us the entire report?

    Evening all


    It is quite possible to get a full copy of the valuation done for a lender. You need to locate a lender that will do so and if not it is up to your negotiating skills.A valuation’s cost…[Read more]

  • RobJanice replied to the topic Questions about Finance in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    What is so good about having this equity? I assume the lender is more likely to give you more finance if they think you can sell your property to pay off your bad debts?

    Very true Gracie.

    Personally we have never yet cross collateralised

    Enjoy the move out of your comfort zone



    “A bank is a place where where they lend you…[Read more]

  • RobJanice replied to the topic Rental Property Insurance in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Greetings Arnaldo

    When you insure the house it should cover you for Public Liability.

    As Steve says about landlord insurance it can be an avoidable cost.It will add another $200 expence p/a. We send all our tenants Xmas cards and that seems to help as well as making sure your properties are inspected every 6 months and a condition report is…[Read more]

  • RobJanice replied to the topic Accountant in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    What are the thoughts on Quantity Surveyors? Any help appreciated.

    A quantity surveyor will be able cost depreciatable items for you.This can then be supplied to you accountant.

    It depends on whether you are buying new or older places ,whether you are buyin to hold or just resell . Whether or not you even want to…[Read more]

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