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  • Robertus007 replied to the topic is it good time to buy? in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Janet the idea to buy property in Tas is a good idea, Just think of the location, the town you are looking to buy in and work out a reasonable rental return, could their be captial growth in the future. The 11 sec is gone in most good towns in Tas. Also look at a place that can have some impovements done to it to push up the rent.
    Stay away from…[Read more]

  • Robertus007 replied to the topic property investment books in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago


    Hi All,
    The book to read, would be “The Richest Man in Babylon“, it is the Bible of Investment.


  • Robertus007 replied to the topic Agent refused to take my bid to owner in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago


    If the figures Don,t add up, then walk away.
    Read a book called ‘Confessions of a Real Estate Agent By Terry Ryder.
    You will learn all the tricks of the their trade.


  • Robertus007 replied to the topic Purple Title in the forum General Property 21 years ago


    Hi all,
    This is my first post and I would like to say that I like what I am reading and their is a lot of good information on here for a beginner like me. Keep up those good posts every one.

