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  • RobertAllenStudent replied to the topic Is now a good time to buy property? in the forum Hi eric,
    I was just this
    15 years, 7 months ago

    Hi eric,I was just this minute saying to my wife. " I feel the property environment is similar to the mid 80's in Los Angeles". At that time properties were cheap, interest rates low and rents high.One thing about real estate is we all need  a place to live and always will.For the financial markets to find a balance after the shake up seems to…[Read more]

  • RobertAllenStudent replied to the topic Posts in the Overseas Deals Forum in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years, 7 months ago

    New to this forum myself but will be in NZ some time later this year.I have my eye on a house set on 5 acres. My problem.(1) I wish to purchase the property but have no deposit.(2) I wish to invest financially in the properties ability to make money, i.e. stock, fish etc.(3) The owner is prepared to carry back a second mortgage.(4) What is the…[Read more]

  • RobertAllenStudent replied to the topic Confused in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 7 months ago

    safmoe wrote:
    That said if I sell the property there is a big chance I'll make a loss, plus have to pay 20K in breaking costs. If I don't sell I'm concerned that I have my income locked into this property and I will miss out on good opportunites coming up, at a lower interest rate….hence potential of positive cashflow.What do you guys t…[Read more]

  • RobertAllenStudent replied to the topic Rent to Buy Query in the forum Creative Investing 15 years, 7 months ago

    I am new to this forum but unable to find an " Introduce Yourself" forum so I am doing that here.I have been involved in R.E. for some 30 plus years and am currently trying something in NZ while living in Australia.I have come across many 'Nah Sayers. when it comes to 'Rent to Buy' and have been on both ends of the deal. They can be good if you…[Read more]


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