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  • RobbieP replied to the topic Real Estate Investar in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Hi,I was also using their software for the 14 days trial and i thought it was very powerful and was really good value for money if you were doing a number of searches per month.Its also great way of quickly educating yourself with specific areas you are interested in or have heard of.But if you are an investor who is maybe looking at adding 1…[Read more]

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Property Lawyer Needed – Sydney in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    I'm also based in Sydney CBD. Would be great to spend some time chatting to you about my property venture plans and how you could assist me with my property transactions.

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Sourcing your own property v using an agent in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Thanks guys..What is the best way to go about finding a independent buyers agent? I have targeted a few areas which I'm interested in buying in, so now i need to find buyers agents who deals in these areas.I guess there would be no point contacting the major estate agents in the area as they generally act on behalf of the seller?

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Property Lawyer Needed – Sydney in the forum Thanks Terry.. where you 13 years ago

    Thanks Terry.. where you based?

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Sourcing your own property v using an agent in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Thanks!Question: If you are a buyers agents and you source a property from a seller, who isnt using a sales agent, how do you lock in the seller?For example, if a BAs finds a property where the seller doesnt have an sales agent, then the BA offered this property to a buyer, what is stopping the seller from accepting offers from other BA's or…[Read more]

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Real Estate Investar in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Yup the shared subscription for PriceFinder is really good. but unfortionately for the areas im interested in, they dont offer the shared subsciption, so it works out to about $150pmIf you prepapred to pay around $150-160pm for individual use, Real Estate Investar is by far the best value for money as it gives you access to multple states and…[Read more]

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Sourcing your own property v using an agent in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Andrew_A wrote:
    Robbie in QLD the legal document is a form 22a, the form to engage a buying or selling agent, this is the required legal form that is both supposed to offer the agent protection for their commission and the buyer potential recourse if the agent doesn't fulfill their legal requirements. 

    Why would a seller sign a form 22a with a…[Read more]

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Sourcing your own property v using an agent in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Thanks..How do you go about finding a buyers agent if they work independently?Generally speaking, do buyers agents only operate in a certain areas?Lastly, with regards to a buyers agents fee, is this something that would beed to be included in the contract / offer to purchase? i.eLets say a buyers agent found a property for $98 000, could the $2k…[Read more]

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Trust v Personal Name in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    So the only real difference, in terms of costs, is the flat 1.6% rate for land tax?So by purchasing property around $150k, the land value could be around $100k, which is $1600pa ($133pm) for land tax. For one property its not so bad, but if you have 10 it might quite high.On the same note, if the value of the land is going up, im sure the value of…[Read more]

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Real Estate Investar in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Thanks Ryan, i agree, it is very good..Did you end up taking a monthly subscription after the inital 14 day free trial?

  • RobbieP replied to the topic The 10 Second Rule Property Calculator in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Interesting, seems very simple but i wonder what it takes into consideration when working out whether a property is positive cash flow?There so many factors i.e. loan amount, loan term, interest rate, propoperty expenses etc.I would hate to turn down a good deal if it just fell short and is actually positive cash flow if a few of the abive items i…[Read more]

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Trust v Personal Name in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    By asset protection in your personal name do you mean getting sufficient life cover to pay for any outstanding debt of your property in the even of either one of you passing away?

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Trust v Personal Name in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    So with a fixed trust is the tax free threshold applicable?Silly question, but who decides on the value of your land and how do they determine this value? Is it a simple calculation done by multiplying the size of your land by the value (per squate meter) of the land? Might get tricky if different suburbs have differnent values in terms of the…[Read more]

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Trust v Personal Name in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    But land tax is applicable to both trusts and if you buy in your personal name right?

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Sourcing your own property v using an agent in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    I think what i was refereeing to is agents (working for agencies) who advertise properties on sites such as Doman / RealEstate will always be representing the seller, which means they always going to try get a much a possible for their clients property, so you never really going to get a good deal buying property through these kinds of agents. I…[Read more]

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Real Estate Investar in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    They are cater for both Australian and New Zealand markets.The software is great, i just dont like the idea of being locked into it for 12 months at $169pm.

  • RobbieP replied to the topic Property Lawyer Needed – Sydney in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Thanks Navid, ideally you want to be dealing with a lawyer who is an investor himself and works with other investors.I will send you an PM, but also happy to hear about other memebers recommendations.Cheers,Robbie

  • Thanks guys, i guess tools such as these do allow you to educate yourself quite quickly in terms of market value estimates in areas you are not familair with.Are there any other users of Residex or My Valuer (Real Estates Investar)?

  • Thanks Michael, this clause was just a quick thumb suck to try prove a point or an idea i was trying get across with regards to get creating around your contract escape clauses.Do you have a good lawyer I can use? The ones I have used back home in South Africa have generally been the smaller firms with less of a big, powerful reputation.i.e you…[Read more]

  • Jpcashflow, thanks for your input :)With regards to your points:1: I have heard about RP Data, but they are extremely expensive when only using for personal use.2: That was just an example, which happens out there. How would a home owner, with no income and other debt, be able to draw addtional funds from their mortgage? Surely they would need to…[Read more]

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