Rob_W replied to the topic management fee in WA in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
I’m paying under 7% for residential in WA, which makes your quote for commercial sound high given what you say about QLD. I can’t claim to be an expert on commercial property though.
Rob_W replied to the topic Wildly Wealthy Women in the forum Heads Up! 19 years ago
Interesting links!
I’m not sure what to make of Jenman. I have enjoyed reading his articles, there’s some good information there.
However, reading the ‘property revolution’ article I have to say – the man’s a damn communist! Basically he’s saying that property investing is unfair because rich people make money, and that this is morally…[Read more]
Rob_W replied to the topic Capricorn in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
So how does the new release stack up against the first? I chose not to buy in the first release, but now I’m starting to get swayed by peer pressure!
My main concern – where’s the scarcity value in buying in Yanchep in the longer term? Right now there’s definitely undersupply – prices for established properties are strong at present. But if…[Read more]
Rob_W replied to the topic Tennesee Saddler in the forum General Property 19 years ago
How y’all?
My mum’s here from Nashville at the present. I’ll let her tell you what she knows. She is clueless about property (sorry Mum!)
Rob’s Mum:
Buy not rent
will answer any queries
MumMmm. very helpful I’m sure. My parents own a townhouse 3 bedroom 2 bathroom cost US$195,000 in 1999, valued by my mother now at $250,000. Strata fee…[Read more]
Rob_W replied to the topic Capricorn in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago
Report in the Wanneroo Times about ‘The Reef’ today, including a pretty cool aerial photo. According to the article there’s the photos on the website under photos: the_reef_aerial2.jpg.
Rob_W replied to the topic Perth New to investing in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Well, I made it to the meeting and now know more about depreciation than I previously did. Where were you all? I didn’t recognise any names from around here, was anyone else from there?
I think it was a valuable experience to be able to meet face to face with others interested in property investing, and complemented the on-line…[Read more]
Rob_W replied to the topic Perth New to investing in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Yes, thanks Abby. See you there.
Rob_W replied to the topic whats the star at the side of your name for in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
red stars?
Rob_W replied to the topic whats the star at the side of your name for in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
to get some of those
Rob_W replied to the topic whats the star at the side of your name for in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
posts does it take
Rob_W replied to the topic whats the star at the side of your name for in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
How many
Rob_W replied to the topic whats the star at the side of your name for in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
I’m not sure that I’ve learnt much about investing from this thread…
but as I understand it, I can still get some of those blue stars by consecutive posting – but I just have to be willing to invest more time to do so (thanks to the 60 seconds between posts rule). It still sounds like it’s worth it to me – those stars are cool!
Rob_W replied to the topic Perth New to investing in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Sounds interesting, is the meeting open to all who wish to attend? If so I’ll try and make it myself tomorrow night.
Rob_W replied to the topic Capricorn in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
I did consider buying one of those Brighton blocks, I was advised by a few people that I might have to camp out. Interesting given the price is really not that cheap IMHO. It wasn’t a spectacular release, as the blocks weren’t particularly close to anything of interest.
There’s still quite a bit of land available in Quinns Rocks, but none of it…[Read more]
Rob_W replied to the topic Capricorn in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago
Good to see you’re all enjoying yourselves up in Yanchep. I’ve been up there a couple of times in the past few weeks but didn’t buy anything. I’m sticking to Quinn’s at this stage, and once Marmion is completed I’ll just drive up the road to swim in Yanchep lagoon. That way I can avoid the fly plague, the cold mist that settles over the…[Read more]
Rob_W replied to the topic Newbie in WA in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
I agree with the comments re: proximity to the beach. Southern suburbs are booming, consider the northern suburbs as well. I’ve been looking around Quinn’s Rocks, Yanchep and Brighton/Butler over the last month. My strategy basically has been to pick one area that I personally like, and get to know it as well as possible. For others, inner…[Read more]
Rob_W replied to the topic Yanchep – WA in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Thanks Marisa – sounds like a good summary. I’m off to get the paper now!
Rob_W replied to the topic Yanchep – WA in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
I’m interested in Yanchep as well. I like the idea of anything coastal, and Yanchep does have the lagoon.
The reason why I bought in Quinns rather than Yanchep was proximity to CBD, and its impact on furture sales value. Yes, Marmion Avenue does make it a shorter journey, but equally it opens up a large area of coastal land for further…[Read more]
Rob_W replied to the topic Building in 12 months – Perth in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago
Thanks to every one for the replies re: two storey developing.
I’ve got a block in Quinn’s Rocks that I payed $220,000 for, and having spent that much on the land I felt that a two storey might be justified. Second storey would have an ocean view, although not a very good one.
I’d like to hold the house for future CG – I could just hold the…[Read more]
Rob_W replied to the topic need recommendation for a morgage broker in Perth in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I went through the process with Brett and Alana White in Perth (they’re ‘friends of a friend’). I found them to be very professional and helpful, and believe they’re straight shooters. My friend (wife’s cousin) who I met them through does a lot of small-time property development in Perth, and they’re good mates of his.
Anyway, here’s the…[Read more]
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