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  • Profile photo of Roachy4000Roachy4000
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 7

    Thanks for the information Andrew. I will definitely do a search of the website and see what comes up.

    I hope to find opinions of the buy/hold or buy/sell argument.



    Profile photo of Roachy4000Roachy4000
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 7

    Was looking there approximately 3 weeks ago. I love that there is large amounts if infrastructure investment around the area. I was looking more in the Ipswich CBD, which I believe was vastly underpriced. I especially like the Ipswich City Councils plans for a nice cafe/mall district.

    Its a great area if you want a strong investment.

    I have to admit I invested in Toowoomba due to the large rental yield which can be acquired there. Ipswich is still low in the rental department.

    Hope this has helped.

    Profile photo of Roachy4000Roachy4000
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 7

    My main questions are:

    Do you think I should hold onto the properties (house and duplex) as it should be positively geared?
    Should I sell house and/or duplex and/or 1 unit to help pay off the mortgage?



    Profile photo of Roachy4000Roachy4000
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 7

    We're doing our first build this year.

    We are building a duplex and have found that it is better financially. We will have 3 rental properties (2 units of the duplex + house at the front of the block) on one block.

    It is way cheaper to build than to buy a duplex within the area we are building. Approximately 300 – 400k more to buy the duplex on a standalone block.



    Profile photo of Roachy4000Roachy4000
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 7

    Gday new,

    I currently have 2 soon to be 3 'out of town' rentals and provided you have a 'good to fantastic' property manager it is quite easy to manage them. You only pay 7.5 – 8.5 % for the property manager and they do all the hard yards. They will ensure your property is maintained etc whilst you live elsewhere.

    If its a good deal buy it…..make sure you do all your research eg. ABS, rental returns, property growth figures etc. and make sure its the place you believe will grow and make you money.



    Profile photo of Roachy4000Roachy4000
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 7

    Hello Wealthy,

    Looking at your post, I think you already know the answer to your question. I think you would be best going for a cheap positively geared property. Something that will provide you a small amount of cash back each week but wont have large amounts of capital growth (mainly because you will only find these properties in regional suburbs).



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