rmittlal1 replied to the topic Owner builder? in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
I want to be an owner builder (say builder manager). I can read drawings and coordinate people. One of my subdivisions has been approved and a notice of decision issued. The second one should have a result in 3 months(hopefully).
How can I learn to build so that I can be builder after say two projects are completed? What kind of course can I…[Read more]
rmittlal1 replied to the topic Investor Club in Melbourne in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago
Hi All the wrap experts,
I need help to start on wrapping. I have a property which is being subdivided. Hope subdivision would be over in two months. The front house is valued at about 250k (East Melbour e Lilydale area) and rented for $240/wk. Weekly rent is too low for any meaningful installments with a low deposit.
How do I start?
All help…[Read more]
rmittlal1 replied to the topic Victoria House Sales in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
The data can be obtained from
All real estate agents are members of this site. Just find out how you can pay for it and do your search. Its not that expensive.
rmittlal1 replied to the topic rental statistics???????????? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
In Victortia, gives you suburb profiles free of charge. One of the real estate agents used to send me every quarter published data from REIV showing both suburb price movements and rental (including occupancy) details. So talk to a real estate agent and get data.
rmittlal1 replied to the topic Recent development success in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
Hi resiwealth,
Quick turnaround means buy a house with big land. get subdivion done in 4-6 months, then sell off subdivided land after 12 months are over (for 50% rebate of capital gains tax).
I have seen one work out this way.
The only pitfall is if IP is in an area where planning permit is needed before subdivion, as that takes time. But if…[Read more]
rmittlal1 replied to the topic Recent development success in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
Thanks, this is what I arrived at. I am planning to develop a kind of model on this principle of subdivision and quick turnaround. If I can do one such thing a year, I dont need to work. Is this right and achievable?
rmittlal1 replied to the topic Recent development success in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
I am doing two subdivisions in Melbourne. But I am finding that building a house on the subdivisions is a wastre of time and money, selling the land makes money. By building a house on subdivided land, you only recover the cost of subdivided-revalued land. So why build?
Any other person having similar experience?
rmittlal1 replied to the topic Town House costs (branched from 4 townhouse topic) in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
Project mobs build only standard houses, which are replicated many times, so are cheaper. Townhouses are normally custom designed, with specific planning approvals, not just building permits. So, project mobs don’t touch them. Is this the reason town houses are expensive?If you look at Metricon’s prices, even double storey houses of standard…[Read more]
rmittlal1 replied to the topic choices as to where to live and be wisel in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago
My accountant has advised that:
1) if your previous ppor was say A and you rent it out later.
2) you buy and move to another house B, but do not change ppor
3) You can change ppor to B, sell and pay no CGT
4) You can move back into A later on, stay for 6 months and sell again with no CGT.Just recheck once again with your accountant.
rmittlal1 replied to the topic Help on proposal for 4 townhouses in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
I am doing two backyard subdivisions in Melbourne. I find that it is profitable to sell the land rather than build and sell. In Mooroolbark area of Melbourne, I can sell a 600 m2 back yard for say 120-130k. If I build a 3 bed basic house, it costs about 150k (with driveways/landscaping) totalling say 280k. I can only sell it for 275-280k. So…[Read more]rmittlal1 replied to the topic HELP! WRAP CONTACTS NEEDED S.E MELB in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi Michelle,
I am in Eastern Melbourne suburbs and want to start in wraps/leasing? So how do you start? We have a negatively geared property but I can’t imagine people paying so much money weekly for Melbourne properties? All examples I have seen in books are for properties costing 40-70k. If properties are worth more than 300k, renting…[Read more]
rmittlal1 replied to the topic The benefits of property developing in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
While doing developments, I find it is easier and probably more profitable to subdivide land and sell and move on.
If I think of building by employing a builder, I find profits come down.
Is this correct or am I missing something?