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  • rjgowrie replied to the topic Birddogging??? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 9 months ago

    have a look at other property websites, such as
    they find properties and offer them to their members. Finders fees are usually in the vicinity of 3-5 THOUSAND dollars, depending on the underlying price of the property. I imagine doing this provately you could probably ask 2-3 grand per property.
    Hope this helps

  • rjgowrie replied to the topic WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE BOOKS?? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 9 months ago

    I have read all of Kiyosakis books (except the new one with Donald Trump, but I want to read that one!)
    I have read Dolph DeLaRoos (sic?) and I have also read a couple of Sales books, which really help in all aspects of life, IE you seel yourself to your boss, to your customers (“I am the best man for the job because…”) and you buy and sell real…[Read more]

  • rjgowrie replied to the topic Car Leasing -cash flow in the forum Heads Up! 17 years, 10 months ago

    I understand the depreciating asset thing, my thought process ficuses on reducing my personal debt. the car will be worth 2 grand in three years if I do nothing and keep driving it around. I have already paid 15 grand plus interest for the car.

    as i said, if my cashflow increases, and my personal liability falls, that has to be a step in teh…[Read more]

  • rjgowrie replied to the topic Car Leasing -cash flow in the forum Heads Up! 17 years, 10 months ago

    Last week I sat thru an information session on salary sacrificing.

    it doesnt matter how much you earn or what car you buy. also, you can lease your own current, paid for car.

    basically I am trying to figure out if its worth it. i paid 15 grand for my new car 3 years ago, market value is 8 grand now. If I take a novated lease on it, I baasically…[Read more]


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