I hope you gain great benefit – it’s certainly been a good servant of mine over the past 17 years and played it’s role in allowing me to exit the rat race early a couple years ago.
I’m not asking anything in return other than if you find it useful please forward it onto others so they too can benefit. There is plenty of wealth to share round.
I hope you gain great benefit – it’s certainly been a good servant of mine over the past 17 years and played it’s role in allowing me to exit the rat race early a couple years ago.
I’m not asking anything in return other than if you find it useful please forward it onto others so they too can benefit. There is plenty of wealth to share round.
@coogee126 You need to run your situation past an experienced financial strategist so you can attain your investment goals/financial objectives.
If you’d like to contact me I can refer you onto a very experienced strategist who has helped me over the past 13 years who has also attained financial independence many years ago.
You can refinance all loans with the one lender. Just check your loan docs before signing one property is securing the loan. In my opinion having the properties spread across multiple lenders as you have it now is best for minimising your exposure risks.
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Rick.
Quite a few of our properties have doubled/tripled in value over the course of a decade.. Rents on those have doubled & some close to tripled also.
I believe we have attained that growth because early on in our investment journey we decided to target / purchase in areas that had recently been approved for or were in the planning stages for gentrification.
We looked for the following 4 flag sectors injecting money. –
Government, Commercial, Retail & Private sectors
We discovered this ultimately uplifted & beautified the area resulting in people’s attraction thus moving in and creating demand.
We have found this to work very well if you are looking for short to medium term capital growth so as to leverage against and build your portfolio faster.
Typically these are some of the signs we looked for where sectors were injecting money –
A/ Local/State/Federal Government. ie Major arterial roads, Govt Depts locating to area, Street Scrapping, New Public Transport, Recreational facilities, Hospitals/Medical facilities, Suburb Redevelopment Authorities being formed. etc
B/ Big Multi National Retail & Commercial type companies. ie Major Shopping Centres, McDonalds Hungry Jacks, KFC, Bunnings, Harvey Normans, Good Guys, etc. These companies spend $Millions on market research before going into and setting up shop in an area. If there was no current or immediate future demand for their products and services they would not be moving in, so leverage off the back of their research.
Other sources I use to gather info are from all the various big multi-national company websites, local newspapers, community news, local businesses, and people in the area…..general networking etc.
C/ Private People/Investors. ie Owner occupiers and Investors bowling over old houses then rebuilding new modern homes and redeveloping town houses / villas.
Get out and about. Jump in your car and drive around the area. Better still is once you’re in your prospective area hit the streets by foot. You will see so much more on foot than by driving.
I hope this provides some food for thought.
This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Rick. Reason: typo
This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Rick.
The way I minimised Land Tax was to purchase certain types of dwellings and structure our property portfolio across a few different states around the country.
We purchased villas and townhouses and kept our holdings under the Land Tax threshold for the state we were purchasing in, then we moved on to purchasing in other states doing the same thing in those states.
I hope this provides some food for thought.
This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Rick.
Steven B, as the others above have mentioned, what and where to buy is dependent upon your chosen investment strategy.
You see property is merely the vehicle. The strategy is how you intend driving that vehicle.
Unfortunately the mistake I see newbies and sometimes not so newbies is that they are property focused instead of strategy focused which is like putting the cart before the horse.
Property investing is not about property rather about the strategy and the way you intend to use the vehicle to get to where you are wanting to go. No good buying a small shopping car if you intend driving interstate on a family holiday.
What strategy/s are best for you is determined by where you are wanting to go, the time frame you want to get there in and how hands on along the way you want to be – all based around your personal risk profile.