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  • ripp replied to the topic Housing Boom Tipped To Go On in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Yeah thats true benson and i agree with you.

    Im just going to hold out until prices come down because at the moment theres not much money to be made unless you alreay own the property or you come across one hell of a great deal, prolly because the poor owner has gone broke…

  • ripp replied to the topic Becoming a principal place of residence in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    I dont think you have to pay any CGT until you actually sold the property you are moving into and the amount of cgt depends on how many years the house was rented out…

  • ripp replied to the topic Housing Boom Tipped To Go On in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    I think though if the boom continues the way it is vacancy rates will end up to high to sustain. It looks to me like a lot of investors going for the negative gearing stragety and are going to making huge losses when they find they paid too much for their investment.

  • ripp replied to the topic Is it good time to fix in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi there sat2003,

    From what Ive read the RBA is showing concern about the rate at which property prices have been rising and are considering putting interest rates up to things down.

    Also the banks have reduced the amount of home loan approvals in the last year indicating that they suspect rates will go up and these people wont be able to afford…[Read more]

  • ripp replied to the topic what are your thoughts on investing in Cairns?? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Redlynch is about 30 minutes from the cairns cbd and alot of ppl seem to be throwing there money aware there on overpriced property.

    do remember cairns isnt sydney…

  • ripp replied to the topic I was on Today Tonight “Last Night 27/8/03” in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Yeh I saw that lastnight

    Goodluck !!![:I]

  • ripp replied to the topic interest rate site? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

  • ripp replied to the topic what are your thoughts on investing in Cairns?? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago


    I live in Cairns and the prices here have gone through the roof at the moment.

    Ive been looking around in this area for IP’s but the boom almost makes it impossible to find anything that you could positively gear.

    Hopefully prices have reached there peak and things will tamper down….

  • ripp replied to the topic addiction in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Ive too become addicted and spend most of my work time reading posts.

    Thanks for all the great info ! [:)]

  • ripp replied to the topic Buy before or after one has sold one’s house ? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Sorry for the confusion, what Im trying to say is if you signed a contract to buy a new ppor but have to wait for your old house to sell then there could be months in between selling your old house and settling on the new one.

    And once you sign a contract on a house you need to at least get a cover note for it as your now legally bound to the contract.

  • ripp replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    System Administrator – I work for a company that contracts to Navy Hydrographic Division.

    It can be quite interesting and also a bit boring, I know i’d rather be financially free.

    Also I’m 21 and bought by first property 2 yrs ago and looking to invest in IP’s. [8D]

  • ripp replied to the topic Buy before or after one has sold one’s house ? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    But you would have had to take out insurance from day one on the new PPOR.

  • ripp replied to the topic Buy before or after one has sold one’s house ? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    You also have to be careful if you sign a contract on a house subject to the sale of your own home, as the vendors might want to rent out the house your purchasing while you try to sell your own.

    I could see this becoming a problem as you become responsible for both properties.

  • ripp replied to the topic After your loan is paid… in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    As far as I know the income that you would receive becomes part of your taxable income and depending how much you already earn would depend on how tac you have to pay.

    ie. Which tax bracket your in…

  • ripp replied to the topic Using PPOR as an IP in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Im confused

    You would have to pay capital gains tax if you were to sell it though wouldnt you ?

  • ripp replied to the topic Using PPOR as an IP in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    what if you were to refinance ?
