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  • Rikky replied to the topic Going to my local council in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    Get a few quotes though, I think you may be able to do a little better.
    My most recent developement was 4 units 20k for everthing but 2 units were mirror image and price drops when development has multiple dwellings.

    Monopoly, my favourite game

  • Rikky replied to the topic Going to my local council in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    If that included planning permits, building drawings, engineering drawings , landscape drawings, soil tests, council fees, surveing costs etc . It sounds about right, just make sure there are no extra hidden costs.

    Monopoly, my favourite game

  • Rikky replied to the topic U.S.A Property market. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    Hi quiggles

    Ive been speaking to some buyers agents and the deals they have been showing me ROI is meaning gross returns. I was just asking what she is exactly saying.You are right she could be talking about nett returns in witch case they are very good, providing the condition of the property is reasonable and you can collect the rent.
    On most…[Read more]

  • Rikky replied to the topic USA TRIP in the forum General Property 19 years, 4 months ago

    Im planning on going in october would be interested in having a chat

    Monopoly, my favourite game

  • Rikky replied to the topic U.S.A Property market. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    Are you offering deals between 15 and 20 % .
    because the deals you are talking about 89k return for 231k is 38.5%
    Im a little unsure what you are saying

    Monopoly, my favourite game

  • Rikky replied to the topic fast tracking permits? in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 4 months ago

    The hardest part about developeing is the permits. They give me the sh#ts .
    The rest is easy.Good luck

    Monopoly, my favourite game

  • Rikky replied to the topic Melbourne Developers in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 4 months ago

    Down your way Im not 100% sure but if you want a little quality for a reasonable price try Pauldings Constuction. They are bassed in frankston , but will travel.

    Or have a look around your area at unit developements and get some builders name they will know the area and know the problems that they will come across.

    Cheers Rick

    Monopoly, my…[Read more]

  • Rikky replied to the topic Going to my local council in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    About time I give you a call, I will try to call you today at some time.

    Cheers Rick

    Monopoly, my favourite game

  • Rikky replied to the topic Build unit and sell ? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    Im 34years old and yes it can be a worrie , I still am not in my dream home , but will be soon. Oh yeh and I can pay cash for my dream home not to many people I know live in there dream home yet and the ones that do will be a long time before they pay them off.
    Delayed gratifcation is my way, But everyone has different gaols it has to suit your…[Read more]

  • Rikky replied to the topic Owner builder? in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 4 months ago

    Not true. You can be a owner builder , only 1 every 3 years how ever there are ways around that to like put different peoples name on the paper work.
    A new rule was intrduced into victoria if the property is double story or over a certain size you have to go and do a short tafe coarse.
    Its a load of sh*t I have built about 8 place in the last 6…[Read more]

  • Rikky replied to the topic CGT in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 4 months ago

    If you keep property for a certain amount of time before selling it usally a year is about the standard. How ever if it is your place were you live you dont have to pay tax as far as I know. But if you lived in a house divided it and built lets say another property on it then sold it you would be a trader of property. If you kept the property for…[Read more]

  • Rikky replied to the topic CGT in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 4 months ago

    Yes , but be careful CGT and trading tax are 2 different things. if you made a profit on a property of say $90,000 and had to pay CGT you get a 50% disscount . So therefore you only pay tax on $45,000 at your normal tax rate. If you are taxed at the hightest rate you would have to pay 48.5 cents in the dollar . So there fore in this case it would…[Read more]

  • Rikky replied to the topic Questions For Full Time Investors in the forum No Subject 19 years, 5 months ago

    Im not a full time property investor , but am on my way there the last couple of years I only work 3 days a week.
    For me personally I need the cach flow to be able to invest full time . It is no good having $10,000,000 in equity if you are paying a loan back on say $100,000,000 and you rent is just covering your costs , you still cant retire. How…[Read more]

  • Rikky replied to the topic Access to property b4 settelement in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 5 months ago

    I have made ofers on propertys subject to access before settlement , but have written in the contract the repair only to be minor not major until I settle. I have never had to worry about geting different contracts , go talk to the agent again and let him know what you want to do exactly should be no problem if the owner agrees to it.

    Cheers…[Read more]

  • Rikky replied to the topic Melbourne Developers in the forum No Subject 19 years, 5 months ago

    You wrote the other day that it would only cost you about 130k to build a unit. How big is the unit? were is the unit? have you got working drawing? if so did you get this prise of a builder? or are you owner building? did you take into consideration drive ways foot paths landscaping sub divition fees , water main up grade from 20mm to 25mm ,…[Read more]

  • Rikky replied to the topic how can I finance 5 – 10 properties in 1 year ?? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 5 months ago

    Buy propertys that are under valued , do what I call a lick, Paint gardens tidy up. Then get the propertys re valued and use the equity.

    Monopoly, my favourite game

  • Rikky replied to the topic building inspection report in the forum No Subject 19 years, 5 months ago

    I would

    Monopoly, my favourite game

  • Rikky replied to the topic financial help in the forum No Subject 19 years, 5 months ago

    Just sent you a private message have a read

    Monopoly, my favourite game

  • Rikky replied to the topic financial help in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 5 months ago

    There is almost always a way out if you can sell most things that are taking money away from you .You must first learn to live on the money you earn not the money you think you earn. Look im propabaly not much help , but go read a book called the richest man in babylon , if you can live by the basic rules set out in this book you will never be a…[Read more]

  • Rikky replied to the topic financial help in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 5 months ago

    You havent given much info. What sort of dept if it is personal , consolidate the loans into your home loan, if you have one? Sell everthing that is taking money from your pocket and start again , use equity to set you free if you have any?

    Need for info

    Monopoly, my favourite game

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