Rikky replied to the topic Melbourne Boom ? in the forum General Property 18 years ago
Foundation You are the most interesting person on this forum by a mile as far as im concerned. I do agree that the average price has fallen I belive this is due to the ever increasing sales of units and appartments flats. I could be wrong.I sold my house late last year settled around september and started looking to buy a house in an area I wa…[Read more]
Rikky replied to the topic Melbourne Foreclosures in the forum General Property 18 years ago
BecBecareful when looking to invest in the USA. I have been over there many times in the last 2 years learning the market Ive met most of the guys that are running these USA adventures. Ive seen and travelled around thousands of forclouses and pre forclosures. There are so many different forclosures. That market is crazy and sounds great. But if…[Read more]
Rikky replied to the topic Reno deals for you in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Thanks mate
We buy properties cash fast settlements no fees no fuss. contact me on 0408 355568
propertywizkid@yahoo.com.auRikky replied to the topic How do I find Investors? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Im always looking for a project to put my money into give me a call 0408355568
We buy properties cash fast settlements no fees no fuss. contact me on 0408 355568
propertywizkid@yahoo.com.auRikky replied to the topic conveyancer required for melbourne in the forum No Subject 18 years ago
I use moone ponds conveyancing, a lady by the name of Kay. She is fantastic.
We buy properties cash fast settlements no fees no fuss. contact me on 0408 355568
propertywizkid@yahoo.com.auRikky replied to the topic Who is Dolf de Roos?? in the forum Heads Up! 18 years ago
Is a guru . He makes most gurus look like beginers .
I have read a few off his books .We buy properties cash fast settlements no fees no fuss. contact me on 0408 355568
propertywizkid@yahoo.com.auRikky replied to the topic Buffalo properties in the forum Overseas Deals 18 years ago
Mate I started studing this market 18 months ago Im yet to hear a good story , my opion stay away
We buy properties cash fast settlements no fees no fuss. contact me on 0408 355568
propertywizkid@yahoo.com.auRikky replied to the topic How rich do you have to be to be a guru in the forum Heads Up! 18 years ago
No good preaching if you dont do what you say.
If you want to preach you must at least practice what you preach and have good achivements in what you are preaching.
I have made good money from positive cash flow, CG,developments. I have read god knows how many books, but I would hardly call myself a guru. So to answer DrX question is it what…[Read more]
Rikky replied to the topic $75K in five months in the forum General Property 18 years ago
Just made 54K in five weeks bought a property for 75K done a reno on sold it for 153k .
We buy properties cash fast settlements no fees no fuss. contact me on 0408 355568
propertywizkid@yahoo.com.auRikky replied to the topic CGT – 6 years? in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years ago
only if you rented the property out for a certain period then shifted in your self for about 6 to7 years then in some cases you may not need to pay CGT.
Or if you bought the property before 1984 you are also exempt from CGT.
All property that you make a profit on and was not your PPOR for a period you will have to pay tax on .
We buy…[Read more]
Rikky replied to the topic Opening a U.S. bank account in the forum Overseas Deals 18 years ago
HSBC do not operate in San Antonio sure you can do banking there but there is no main branch there. So I would open one with them .
Kind regards Rick
We buy properties cash fast settlements no fees no fuss. contact me on 0408 355568
propertywizkid@yahoo.com.auRikky replied to the topic The United States in the forum No Subject 18 years ago
Hi Nigel
Good luck with your adventures , I know you will do exceptionally.
Just a note to anyone considering investing in the states this maybe the break through that is needed in property management.Take care Nigel have a sake trip
We buy properties cash fast settlements no fees no fuss. contact me on 0408 355568
propertywizkid@yahoo.com.auRikky replied to the topic Equity Partners in the forum Finance 18 years ago
My main factors are I want my money in for minimum time, no more than 12 months, risk verses reward and only do deals that are in my name with a legal agreement signed between us stating how much % return we get each.
I dont do monthly returns to risky unless its surcured some how .
We buy properties cash fast settlements no fees no…[Read more]
Rikky replied to the topic Foundation – you offered to tell us why in the forum Heads Up! 18 years ago
F the superannuation companys will invest in property they look at the big picture if they get 4-5% yeild but also think they will get say 10% growth they are still in a win win situation. Super companys can just create there own market , buy propertys with your money today 30 years later buy the same property off little johny down the road at…[Read more]
Rikky replied to the topic Equity Partners in the forum Finance 18 years ago
If you need equity partners I will always look at a deal and if the deal looks right I will put my money in.
We buy properties cash fast settlements no fees no fuss. contact me on 0408 355568
propertywizkid@yahoo.com.auRikky replied to the topic Foundation – you offered to tell us why in the forum Heads Up! 18 years ago
I have an opion on rising property prices and why they will continue to grow at rapid rates for a long time to come. Although I would like to say your right foundation and I have been waiting for a crash for 3 years fingers crossed it comes soon.
One word SUPERANNUATION 600 million dollars a week that has to be invested into something property ,…[Read more]
Rikky replied to the topic Money Partner in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Yes I’m interested in being a money partner call me on 0408355568
We buy properties cash fast settlements no fees no fuss. contact me on 0408 355568
propertywizkid@yahoo.com.auRikky replied to the topic How long does a major reno take? in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago
How long is a peice of string I guess it depends on were you cut it
We buy properties cash fast settlements no fees no fuss. contact me on 0408 355568
propertywizkid@yahoo.com.auRikky replied to the topic Wanted The Wrap Kit! in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
email me your number and I will get one for you
We buy properties cash fast settlements no fees no fuss. contact me on 0408 355568
propertywizkid@yahoo.com.auRikky replied to the topic To invest in property or not in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
At the moment it is hard to beat the share market but I personally love property so for me that is my preferred investment. You have to have a passion for it if you want to be seriuos
We buy properties cash fast settlements no fees no fuss. contact me on 0408 355568
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