rickyw replied to the topic BIG DEPOSIT/ AVERAGE INCOME LAST 2 TAX YEARS in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
thanks for the advice. I am self employed also in the UK and i will be starting the same job in australia. Interesting one about buying 1 house and then building equity and bank relationship seems sensible.
rickyw replied to the topic BIG DEPOSIT/ AVERAGE INCOME LAST 2 TAX YEARS in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
i am a tennis coach and was studying a little bit for last 2 yrs in australia. Working 50 hours plus a week in the Uk earning 2500 aussie dollars a week.I know my income wasnt great but i also own shares 15000 and never had bad credit. Say a house of 250,000 surely a 25% deposit would be ok?
rickyw replied to the topic It is the time to buy!!! get in quick!!! in the forum General Property 21 years ago
MY NEW QUESTION IS) – How much do you think education can affect investors results? Do you need a degree to invest in property?!
rickyw replied to the topic small town – risky business in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Hi there BEAR1964 – i would greatly appreciate information regarding area etc – i live in perth now so information is great. Should i post my email or back up email address??
rickyw replied to the topic Which City/Suburb you live? in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
Doubleview – Perth WA (next to scarborough)
rickyw replied to the topic small town – risky business in the forum General Property 21 years ago
also – does anyone know what i should look up on the net to research the town im planning on investing in??? and what should i look up??
rickyw replied to the topic Ed Burton/Lance Spicer in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago
hi, i have read lance spicers books and was so involved in all of them for 3 weeks straight. Very very interesting but looks at a perspective alot broader than any other book or seminar. DOnt be scared by it, its just that media portrays some of the offshore investing in a very very negative way but thats the ability of the media. Great books and…[Read more]
rickyw replied to the topic house to live, house to rent?? in the forum General Property 21 years ago
thanks guys, i really appreciate and enjoy the various points of view. If i were to buy a house to live in i wouldnt be buying anything overly expensive and just something i could call my own in an area (i know we are coming into a tough time) that i could see capital growth (6-8km from perth cbd) However i feel there is some opportunity to be…[Read more]