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Hi Max,
Happy to share my experiences.
Personally i original were with MyUSAProperties trying to secure 3 properties financing 70% as were advised this was possible.
after 4 or 5 mths or submitting info and having the bank continually move the bar and request more info decided to forget finance and went to housebuyers usa and purchased 1 property for cash. Both companies provided great service housebuyers a little faster in reponding to contact.
Within 2 weeks of going to house buyers 1 had agreed to terms on property and 1st rent cheque is in the bank.
Housebuyers fees a few 1000 cheaper and i am happy.good to here Rosa,
I am similar to you as i cant really answer too many calls at work and I have found my emails are always answered quickly.
Our account is with citizens trust and bank. We have aussie atm access to our funds 24/7 which is very handy.I wish you all the best with the next step and hope it all works out .
I bought in Fairlane district of Kansas City Mo.
good to hear ….with your properties did you have to organise your own ReHab work or did they not need any repairs.
Did Forclosed American Homes assist you with property management,legal advise ,taxation advise as well ?Good to hear a good news story I wish you all the best with your buying in Atlanta
Hi Jason,
I have 2 accounts at the moment. 1 with Watchovia bacnk (soon to be closed as have now imposed $20 a mth fee) and the new
account with Citizens Bank. The details are coming in the mail soon.Both accounts were set up via my attorny in the usa
Hi Kwy,
Thanks for your message. I ended up changing to House buyers as i became frustrated with the finance offer put to me taking so long and the never ending requests for more information for the bank (not MyUsa’s fault). then they decided to offer prperty in a totally different area to where they had ben and i started to have a few doubts. So i contacted housebuyers and everything was easy (less fees) and no pressure for instant answers on buying.
We have now settled and have a tenent in place from day 1 ….so far so goodsimpily because you are unlikely to get 5-8%….you will be looking minimum 9-10% through most banks. Factor in mortgage broker charges and very high bank fees for overseas investors 1000's of dollars . I think you will soon see my reasoning
good on you for all you have done ……. does make it tough. Things like property trusts ect may be another way to get ahead.
I would talk with a financial planner advisor and discuss all options. Be prepared for them to discredir direct property investment as they can not help with that and it is not "in their interest" to reccomend it….. unless they can do a loan for you .Best of luck
we were looking at buying 3 under part US finance. In the end got one for cash. The cash flow on paper was the same from one unfinanced as 3 financed. Feel a bit safer not needing to worry about overseas finance in the event of vancany.
I personelly would not go down the path of a personal loan at15% to obtain a property in USA.
Rosa if you are a home owner here can you draw down on the equity and at least you with be paying home loan rates.Keep up the reseach and from experience the one stop company fees can vary a lot from place to place …….. good luck
thanks for all the well wishes …… will keep posting the life and times of owning a property i will never see *L*
I used one of "those" services and I am more than happy with the results and convenience and for this a paid a reasonable fee.
Without these companies i would not have made a purchase. Every business is there to make $$$$. Advertise the business in the appropriate area.
Start a new thread : Companies who assist with US purchasing ect : Then promote your business in a thread where people are looking to read about it. ….simple reallyMy KC property had multiple tennants wanting to rent it prior to closing .
I hope this is common in KC but i dont know.
Overall vacancy rates seem quiet low .if they are doing it undercover then they are not openly promoting themselves are they.
Your total of 9 posts on this forum would make you a very wise analyst on this forum.
Thanks….keep up the investigations matecash out ??
please explain ?
Spuking is self promotion to drum up business. To be honest there are alot of you doing it. anyone putting the company name and email address with the types of comments like” if you want to invest in this area ….call me “
that is self promotion.
These forums are for people or investors personel experiences. If you wish to detail your personel investing experienes (not business promotion) feel free.
I know there are people posting who work in real estate in the USA who do not end every post with the business web site and personel email address .
This form is more and more being used as free advertising ….not the intended purpose.
Oh and check out my new website or email me : : I dont charge any feesCan self promoters pls start a new thread
If people want to read about business they can
This thread is off topic and has become a battle of who can spuke the loudestRosa,
I pretty much work 6 days a week and havent the time to fly over and check out different makets ect.
I have done my research online and now have contacts in my area of interest.
I believe if i aquire more properties in the future I will use a local buyers agent and put the property in the hands
of tmy current property manager …… it is nice to use a full service company for peace of mind and also do your reseach so next time area you dont need someone t o hold your handI puchased my property through HouseBuyers USA. Tennent to be in place prior to closing.
Over my journey I have had nothing but professional service and I believe the fee charged was
within reason as it really is a one stop shop and everything is made clear and i found no details of cost
were ever hidden.
House looks to be well fitted out and I had no problem obtaining up to date photos inside and out.All good
For those of you not needing a "full service" and wanting to buy in the Kasas City area. I found Mike Cantrell
to be someone offering well finished property at good prices.
There are good companies and people out there….you sometimes need to lookHi Treasure hunter,
Happy to say i do have direct communication with property manager attorny ect. I would be a bit concerned if couldnt contact them directly without having to go through the original buyers agent.
So I am looking forward to finding out if my decision was good or bad …….
I think/hope for good !no worries Mike…… to be honest 24 hrs earlier and we could have been doing the deal. I am sure that property will go fast if it hasn't already. Well present well priced.
The place we bought is only about 5 mins away that that place.I will reply to your email as soon as i can. I hopefully have saome ideas that may help you out