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  • Yep,

    Brad i have purchased through housebuyers usa. No problems at all. Yes you pay for a service but i have found Nathanial and his team always quick to respond to messages or issues. Even over 12 mths after purchase.

    They assisted with bank accounts and have a full team on the ground to make things as easy as possibel.

    We have some issues with property management we are working through and i see light at the end of the tunnel.

    If you want a turn key investment with grear back up and on the ground support you should contact housebuyers and talk to them.


    Your experience with MYUsa is similar to mine. The accountant I know as they are based in my home town. Also thought their costs were way too high.
    Also offered some less than desirable houses in the worst parts of town. The person i dealt with wanted instant answers on purchasing  3 properties in one hit and didnt like it when a chose to do research on the houses offered .
    I was never comfortable in my dealings with this company. Information was slow in coming. The photos i saw were from 2007 and when asked for updated photos ….well they just never came….and i got the line that to take photos was an invasion of privacy for the tennants …….. but they expected me to buy off sketchy info and 4 yr old photos …hmmmm ….. no !

    how do you organise aligning them.

    Our property tenents moved in 1 Sept so i would love to align with aust tax year 11/12

    Also paid to be a "member" of my usa property.

    They had 3 properties they recommended to me and wanted an immediate answer over the phone. Luckily they offered a "new finance deal" with 70% LVR. During the next 6 mths of messing about with the "finance off" I pulled the pin and got our deposits back via Tony Richards. But he refused to refund the membership.
    Some months later i got an email from Andrew Allen offering properties. I emailed him and asked for membership refund. He promptly refunded my money in full.
    Would i use myUsa or related services ……. no.
    Why did i contact them , the accountants they used were local to me and very well respected. I have no drama with the accountants….but they were also charging 1000's to set up LLC and want to charge nearly 1000 per property to do tax returns.
    So they were going to make a tidy income from their association to MyUsa


    Thanks for your input. I dont call that spruiking. That is just giving info and personel experiences.
    That is helpful and adds to a discussion…..not just someone openly say ….. call me i am great and can sell you the world.

    at the end of the day, EVERY  investment is a risk whether it is a tenner on the favorite in race 5 or real estate ,shares, art or classic cars.
    It all comes down to your tolerance to risk and the level of exposure you accomodate.
    Do your reseach, dont go in totally blind based on what a sales rep says (after all they make their living by selling).
    But if you dont have a go you cant turn back time and be a "what if".

    Hi Rosa,

    No much at all really …. a few hundred in closing costs but the price i paid included insurance and property taxes for 12 mths.

    The only extras will be standard closing cost (alot less than in australia as there is no stamp duty on purchase)

    Hope you acheive your goal

    No arguements here. Eliminating the middleman always
    reduces the bottomline.
    If i were tied up with long hours at work i would like to do it
    solo and increase returns and profits.

    What parts of KC have you bought in ?

    I have found it harder to close an account than open it.
    Trying to close Wells Fargo/Wachovia account.
    They are prompt in answering emails, but seem to be dealing with 5 different people
    and none of them seem to understand the Australia is not a suburb of an American city.

    In the end i have to "write" a letter. No email, asking for the account to be closed and money
    wired back to Aus. They wouldnt allow it to be transfered to my CB&T Account.

    Opening – easy
    Closing – bloody hard

    with cheesey looking website *L*

    do a search, this topic has been covered extensively already

    Agree Mike,

    My KC property is providing similar returns.

    Good to hear from someone who is an active intester on the ground in the US.

    What areas of KC are ones to avaid in your opinion ? Zip codes ect ?


    Yawn……. this thread now "Stinks"

    If posters arent rubbishing others to make them look like a better "contact" they are opening spruking their business.

    Hi Jeff,

    I agree take your time as there is no shortage of stock from what i can tell.

    Personally I found House Buyers USA to be very good and offer properties in the markets you are lookiing
    They have delivered the goods with aftersales service and communication. You can do alot worse than getting in touch with them.

    I find too many people / businesses promise the world and deliver nothing but annoyance and frustration.

    House Buyers have delivered with prompt aftersales communication and all issues have addressed and acted upon quickly.

    So far so good …….

    Happy house hunting


    Hi Gary,

    Your experiences with My USA are similar to mine.

    They offered 3 properties to me and wanted an instant answer.

    I reseached and they were in the slums of KC …… one post codes was reffered to as "the murder factory". Also same issue with photos. The ones we were shown were 5 years old !! When we asked for current photos we were told that it was an infringement on tennants rights to take any photos ?????

    The accountant ….. yes major rip off. They are based in Geelong where i am from and they have a good reputation here. But their fees were way too high.

    I used HouseBuyers USA and they have been good. We were offered numerous houses and advised they move fast but you decide in your time.  We had our account set up, LLC set up all done without fuss. We even have a guy on the ground in KC who can look after any minor issues that may pop up. So far so good.
    We also had contact with a local buyers agent Mike who we missed a property with that looked really nice and was well priced.
    Seems to be knowledgable on the local area.

    We ended up buying not too far from you in Fairlane distract of KC. Good mixed of people , average incomes average house prices. I am sure they all have their share of crime……… but research ment we avioded buying a ghetto !

    Hi Biggaz,

    We have one in KC . Owned it for about 6 mths. So far so good. At present I dont think we will buy any more. Might look again if the aussie dollar drops down.
    Our place we renovated prior to sale. It is a neat 3 bedroom house near shopping centre schools and easy access to highways and interstate.
    Where abouts in KC are you looking to buy ? Are you using a buyers agent or doing it solo.

    Look forward to hearing about your efforts to buy in KC



    Understand you caution ……. do you think you will give it another go ?

    Where did you almost buy ?

    Agreed ……. as sprukers scurry off under the nearest rock


    Andrew Allen contracted MyUSA to his business here and in the usa.
    The contract expired and from what i hear Andrew Allen decided not to renew his association
    with MyUsaproerty for whatever reason.
    I dealt with MyUsa and found the guy a dealt with to be a bit too pushy wanting on the spot decisions
    on properties.
    No dealings with US Buyers Agent.

    J – agreed. I would be putting money on a house without full address details.
    You have no chance of doing proper DD into the area and house without a full address.

    If a seller wasnt proving full address until your money is on the table i would walk away
    fast as that displays there is something to hide !

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