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  • Thanks Paul,Mate, don't reply if I'm wasting your time with basics (Thanks again for first reply):I was just looking at your web site and saw a property for around $108K. I have been assuming the whole point of buying a property at this end of the market is to try and pay it off quickly and generate a income stream.  That said, the ANZ loan calc…[Read more]

  • Richraah replied to the topic Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals” in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Hi All,I'm extremely new to everything regarding property investment.  I sheepishly have to admit that I even had to google what 'CF+' even meant.  That said, I must ask, an apparently stupid question, of what makes a CF+ property? In the most basic example, is your loan interest only or do you pay interest, principal and all expenses with mo…[Read more]
