richos replied to the topic info on my investment house in QLD owned by myself and my mum and I intend too buy her share out and move into the house in the forum on ya Derek by the sounds of 12 years, 7 months ago
on ya Derek by the sounds of it I would have to get the property valued anyhow as Richard was saying for CGT in the future when or if I sell it.cheers all
richos replied to the topic info on my investment house in QLD owned by myself and my mum and I intend too buy her share out and move into the house in the forum thanks RichardSo what you 12 years, 7 months ago
thanks RichardSo what you are saying is that I would not pay any capital gains tax on the amount the house has gone up over those 8years to when i take 100% ownership? sounds great if I read it rightwould there be any charges on changing the title to just me ? or is that minor maybe a few hundred dollars?for example say I buy the property for…[Read more]