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  • Thanks Duckster, thats just what I was wanting to know…..

    and….. Scott No Mates…… "He" is a She  I am not a developer just an everyday person who has built a house and cant decide whether to rent it out (if I do it will pay for itself) or sell……. this was only an option if I dont have to pay CGT…..


    For me personally we have rented in between 3 properties. The first home we renovated ourselves and made a great profit when we sold it after 5 yrs, enough to build our 2nd home on a huge block of land which we lived in for 2 yrs before selling and making another nice profit. We have almost completed building our 3rd home which we will be renting out :)

    Oh gosh I have not logged on to the forum in a long time! My sincere apologies for not responding to your question.

    That particular property was in Regional Northern Victoria and was built by Dennis Family Homes :)

    We have almost completed building another home in the same location which we will rent out because we have since relocated.

    We paid $113,500 for our 1 acre block and built a 4br + study home, we have also put up a large tradeys shed and a large undercover entertaining area. Total cost to do all this $216,500 – so $330,000 in total. It is now on the market for $460,000. With the market being a but up and down at the moment due to interest rates it may take a little longer to sell, but in answer to your question it can be done

    Hi odenska

    I totally understand where u r coming from, like I said in a previous post,  I am in a similar situation to you. If you want to use the redraw from your own home to make your own home better (which is what we r doing) then go with the 105% loan. If your current home is fine and u r just looking for an investment use the redraw from your house to purchase your IP, thats what most investors do when starting out. Using the equity in your home is a great way to get started with IP's.

    I guess at the end of the day we cant realy advise u what to do only guide u from our own experiences. Each of us has totally different financial situations aswell.

    all the best

    i think your property sounds ok. You will only be borrowing $150,000 and repayments ( over 25yrs, IO, 7.39%) are around $230 a week (depends of course where you get your loan etc..) rental income is $160 a week so property will be neg- geared, depends of course too on your situation, are u looking for neg- or pos+ geared properties etc.
    The first one is always such a big decision!! Is there anything you can do to the property to up the rent?? is that the going rate for rent? will u try and negotiate to get the property cheaper too?? all the best with it, keep us posted

    my advice was going to be get a new RE Agent…. I think everyone else has it covered, wow I cant believe it has been vacant for that long, it sounds like the perfect place!! take it into your own hands and see how you go and kiss that RE good bye. good luck with it all and keep us posted!!

    I am in a similar situation with you and am opting for the 105% IO loan, only because I dont have the full cash deposit to put towards it and dont want the IP to get away. If I had the cash deposit I would probably chose the 80% option. The cash I do have is going towards renovations on my own property so I guess in the long run I can still use the equity after reno's to purchase another… all the best with it

    thank you so much elka, your info was great and extremely helpful

    Have to add my 2c here as we are in the electrical trade too. My husband prides himself in his electrical work and always cleans up his mess and always respects other peoples homes whether they are old or new. We have renovated and built homes ourselves and have seen first hand how some trademen (not all) basically dont give a toss about other peoples property! We work hard for the things we have and thus respect others. And no, we dont add on extra hours in labour and charge for the mess we clean up. We do it because its the right thing to do and people talk, as u can see from this post. I feel sorry for you poor buggers who saved and were burnt with your reno’s. I guess it is all a learning game and to research your tradey is a brilliant idea, hear first hand from others who have got them to do work before you get them in yourself. But rest assured we arent all like that and some of us do respect other peoples homes like they were our own.[exhappy]

    Hi vl
    I guess it depends on the area you are planning to build/buy in. We were in a similar predicament also and decided to build. Mainly because in the area we are in the houses for sale are way overvalued for what you get, when we can build the same or better for much less. I guess you could look in to the costs for building in your area and then compare with what is for sale. I like the thought of having exactly what I want in a home too when you build and not buying something designed by someone else. Cheers [biggrin]

    I am new to IP’s too… but wouldnt consider this as an IP, especially if it CF+ you are wanting. I guess it depends how much you like the place, if u really want to stay there, or if it will be easy to find another place. Maybe look for something else to buy that isnt quite as expensive. And they cant just kick you out on the street, so you should have time to consider your options. Good luck with the house hunting…[wink4]

    Hi Colobok
    I run my own bookkeeping business and if there is one thing that every client has said to me is that it is way too expensive to get an accountant to do what a bookkeeper can do for a quarter of the cost. A bookkeeper can still have everything organised and ready for you when it comes time to visit your accountant and you will save yourself heaps. Am happy to answer any more questions you might have or help out in anyway I can…
    Cheers and have an awesome day

    We rent at the moment as we recently renovated and sold our first PPOR. We then moved to a different area and decided it was easier to rent while we got settled and found land to build on etc… There is no way we will stay renting any longer then we have to as I dont see the point in paying a lot of money every week for a place which is never going to be the way you want it. Ours is small and for the owners definately a CF+ investment, I dont see the point in paying off someone elses home when you could be in your own for the same or only a little bit extra dollars. Plus we want to be able to use the equity in our own place to purchase IP’s.

    Hi Bill
    I havent done anything like this before, but came across something you may or may not be interested in checking out seeing as you are in Victoria….

    Am sure you would’ve looked in to this already but we have a block of land in Vic also and there is a covenance on it that says we cant transport a home to it or use second hand materials in the structure of the house we build on it….

    Good luck with it all…

    Hi Coops
    We recently sold our PPOR through a real estate agent and after they kept their hefty little fee we vowed we would never sell through an agent again. At the time we were unsure we knew what to do and thought the agent would do so much to help us, all they did was keep us in the dark about everything. Apart from organising times for people to look at the place they did nothing else. I personally would’ve preferred to make these arrangements with the interested buyers myself, rather then relaying it through the agent. I am sure there are many many excellent agents out there but we wont use one ever again. Our solicitor did all the necessary paperwork and in the end some of the wheeling and dealing. I say go for it yourselves you will feel more in control of the entire deal. The costs saved will be better off in your pocket….Good luck with it all…[biggrin]

    Hi Endless Summer
    I am a stay at home mum with a 4 yr old son and another one on the way. I am only just starting out with IP’s but find I plan my time around my son while he is at kindergarten, or do things on weekends while my husband is here to do things with him. I guess if you are running it as a serious business and a source of income treat it like a “J.O.B” and maybe put the kids in day care 1 or 2 days a week so you can concentrate on your IP’s.
    All the best with everything [biggrin]

    Cheers, thank you for your response, this is my first day in the forum so I appreciate your response. I will be investing in the book so will have a good read. I didnt expect anyone to give away any secrets as such, just thought some experienced investors may have had some good suggestions etc…

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