RicherDad replied to the topic Copywrite on building plans in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
Very interesting article Clive, and it is Dale Alcock who is interviewed who owns the aformentioned APG Homes. So what do you do if you have planning permission and the builder won’t sell you the plans? Submitting new plans for approval will take more time 6 months and more money even though I paid for them in the first place.
RicherDad replied to the topic Copywrite on building plans in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
Rang DOCEP and because I only signed a PPA (Prelimary Plans Agreement) I didn’t have any rights. In regard to Copywrite issues they can’t help on that either.
But If I had signed a FPC (Fixed Price Contract) and witin 45 days the builder raised the price by more that 5% I coudl void the contract.
I had a contengency factor of 20% factored in but…[Read more]
RicherDad replied to the topic Copywrite on building plans in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
Thanks Clive,
Small world, it is actually is APG who is doing this, so obviously not the first time they have done this to someone. Won’t be using them again or this time if I can get out of it. But it will add time to the development if I have to fight them to get out of it and then get someone else to draw plans up that the council will…[Read more]RicherDad replied to the topic Cost of demolishing? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Hi Wayne,
I too am in Perth and I subdivided my property and intend to build on the rear. My rear garden had a two brick garages, 45cm high limstone wall and fibro shed, both roofs had asbestos in them. I got 3 quotes ranging from 5 – 7 K. Some of the quotes where broken into seperate parts 5k for removal of buildings and an additonal 2k for…[Read more]RicherDad replied to the topic Helpful Research Sites? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I am new to this forum lark, but I have read the previous posts on this topic.
I am from Perth and when investing there I ask the Valuer General’s office for my research data and it usually costs $25.00 for a suburb report giving 110 records of the description and sale price of houses,units and land. The free reports form Commbank and…[Read more]