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  • rich0 replied to the topic Young Investors in the forum General Property 19 years, 5 months ago

    Great to read all these (indeed fascinating) stories of young people on their way to success in the property game..congrats to those living the dream, hope to join you all in the near future [biggrin]

    Keep on posting the success stories, and any words of wisdom you may have for those not sure how to get started ;) *looks around*.


  • rich0 replied to the topic Can you help? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 5 months ago

    Hi there, I’ve been lurking for a short while & love this board so far :). Please excuse the following essay/ignorance of my youth.

    I’m nearly 19, and have a great interest in investing – particularly property. As yet I don’t own any properties (only $$$ in the stockmarket), & I was wondering if a strategy for young people ‘starting out’ would be…[Read more]


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