RH84 started the topic Buy out remaining share on jointly owned Property, what's a fair price to pay? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years ago
Hi property investors,
My brother and I own our property together 50/50. He has decided to buy his own place and so I will buy out his remaining share. We will of course privately discuss a price we both agree upon before going through. Besides simply getting a real estate agent(s) to appraise the value, would there be any other techniques to…[Read more]
RH84 started the topic Ridiculously overpriced Strata Fees in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 3 months ago
Hi fellow investors,
I need your expertise to help me determine if iam correct in thinking that my stata cost are way too high or if it correct as the price its set at. How can I confirm this without directly refering to my Strata title management as they don’t really provide me with solid answers.
Location is Rhodes, Sydney and the size of the…[Read more]
RH84 replied to the topic Property Investing and helping a humble student. in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 4 months ago
On another note: as iam looking for properties with good rental cash flow and room for capital growth, how should i start researching these areas? which tools do i need? Ive heard about RP data, is that a good starting point or are there other research tools needed? thanks.
RH84 replied to the topic Property Investing and helping a humble student. in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for all the responses and genera positivity regarding my situation. Let me address everyone individually as i appreciate all your feedback.
1. Wilko: My broker is actually a mate of mine, he became a broker about just over a year ago, he worked in the banking industry previously. He has made senior broker in that time and seems successful…[Read more]
RH84 started the topic Property Investing and helping a humble student. in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 4 months ago
Hi Property Investing community,
This is my first post on the forums and like the title says, im just a humble student seeking to educate myself in the property investing world. I have had a interest in property investing for quite some time but have only recently started to seriously get into it. Like many people my goals for investing are to…[Read more]
RH84 became a registered member 10 years, 5 months ago