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  • Retiredone replied to the topic Moree Investment in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    No it is 8 x 2 bedrooms each renting for $120/week. Is it really that scary? I will probaby drive down next week to have a look at Moree. 12% is a might attractive carrot to go down and have a look.

  • Retiredone replied to the topic Moree Investment in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    Has anyone got investments in Moree? Is 12% return for the Moree area a good return (this is a block of 8 villas for sale)?I have spoken to the agent there and he said it wasn't in the worst part of town, but it wasn't in the best part of town either. The villas are half empty but that is because the owner hasn't put any time or money into…[Read more]

  • Retiredone replied to the topic What to do with equity in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    If you are thinking about investing in the Eastern inner Suburbs places like Alexander and Green Square, I believe are starting to shrink in value. The whole sydney market, in my oppinion only, is seeing a fall or stagnet in price.

    Alexander is currently over developed. This can be seen by high vacencies and falling rent prices. Terraces that…[Read more]

  • Retiredone replied to the topic Capital Gain Vs Postive Cash Flow in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    What you are saying is technically correct. But and this is something that most bankers don’t like talking about ( I use to be a banker ) Approvals over a certain amount can’t be approved via the normal paths. They are sent to a different team that looks after the bigger players – what they call high value customers. These guys play buy another…[Read more]

  • Retiredone replied to the topic me again in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Well wheather vacant land is good or depends on your strat to building wealth. If you strat is wraps, then this is not for you as you make your money via buy then on selling.

    If your wealth strat is to buy and hold then live off the rent produced by these properties then vacant land is the next phase after you have enough properties for you to…[Read more]

  • Retiredone replied to the topic buying a rental whilst renting in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    That was the exact same situation my wife and I were facing not so long ago in 2000. We were faced with the situation of

    1. either buy a unit for ourselves in Sydney CDB (we both worked in Sydney). 2 Bedroom units with single bath was costing about $450,000. Which meant that with $80,000 we begged/borrowed/stealed/saved the morgage repayments…[Read more]

  • Retiredone replied to the topic Commercial property in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    With commercial properties you have to be very careful – especially if you have a limited cash flow. By looking at it you only getting something like $13,200 annual return = 8.3%, which I believe is quite low. I try to aim at about 12% with commercial properties. Oh I forgot to ask who pays the outgoings?

    Another funny thing with commercial…[Read more]

  • Retiredone replied to the topic Reno jobs, tips to saving money! in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    With most T.L.C, one of best things that can be done to the property is a fresh coat of paint. Because I have mostly purchased units I cannot do too much to the exterior (strata managers have a fit when you do things without their approval).

    When painting (I believe that everyone can do it who has a little time and paitence) decide what type of…[Read more]

  • Retiredone replied to the topic Too good to be true??? Maybe it is! in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    If you are thinking of finding you own tenant never ever… I mean never ever give your telephone number or contact details to the tenant or else you have broken the golden rule. You will end up hating yourself for this sole descision. It may look harmless but that tenant may accidently give it to another then another and before you know it you…[Read more]
