RetireBy40 replied to the topic Riddle No.1 in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I’d say it is the German who keep the fish while the Dan keep the horse.
RetireBy40 replied to the topic List Why Property Beats Shares in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Hi folks,
Althought I did not post often, I keep close watch on what is going on in the forum. In this instance, especially related to this boring Shares Vs Properties agrument, rather than wasting time to shot down the opponent position, why don’t each side do a favour to themselve to see the possibility to learn more on the other asset class…[Read more]
RetireBy40 replied to the topic Housing affordability in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hi everyone,
It has been a while since I return to the forum as I have been very much occupied with my investment portfolio.
Relate to the issue of housing affordability, I would say it is time to stop pumping the bubble further and allow the hope for new blood to get into the market.
I like to idea of positive gearing but never really get to…[Read more]
RetireBy40 replied to the topic Beware of hideous deal in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
What if the title holder, which is a company, file a bankrupt during the settlement period? I would allow the release to the title holder, a person, given my favourable terms, who simply like to use the released deposit for their new home purchase.
I wish I have better luck next time.Hiu
RetireBy40 replied to the topic Should I or Should I not? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Just to let you know that I settled for the 440K one. I consider that a good deal for me simply because my wife like it better than the other and we probably move there in a couple year time. In the meantime, I can enjoy the negative gearing that I desperately need for this year and allowed me the reason to hunt down more +ve geared properties.…[Read more]
RetireBy40 replied to the topic Where am I going wrong?? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Hi all,
As my previous post, similar to what Isagold did, I build a model that would give me ROI projection of any property no matter it is +ve or -ve. My model takes care of depreciation, CPI, selling and purchasing cost too. In one scenario, I have a 100K property rented at 150/wk, which is about a -$100/m(netted dep and tax), assuming a 5% CG…[Read more]
RetireBy40 replied to the topic secret to early retirment thru property in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
In a sense, I agree with the view of the Accountant to have a sizable deposit before you buy for yourself. Considering if you borrow 300k for your 360K purchase, you are losting to bank close to 18K interest for the first few years year. Also, you have that 60K+ opportunity cost have to bring into the picture as well! However, a 360K place should…[Read more]
RetireBy40 replied to the topic Want to invest but don’t trust RE Agents in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Oh boy,
They just asked many of my same concerns in this property investment venture. Althrough I live here in Sydney (I have to work oversea too!) but my investment problem would be fairly much the same as anyone trying to invest from oversea.
Regardings investing on properties around Uni and Hospital, I am fairly in favour of it as it provides…[Read more]
RetireBy40 replied to the topic Inflation in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Well, that is just like interest rate being part of the evil that we all have to deal with!
In my past investment, I ensure that my ROI would well exceed the combined cost on loan AND projected inflation for the investment duration. You migth also want to apply NPV & FV with inflation added into your ROI estimation.
RetireBy40 replied to the topic New Comer need strategic advise in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Thanks a lot Bruce!
After 6 days, I finally have you to give me a suggestion. Indeed, I’ve been doing research for the past 2 months and now I shall be in position to strike some serious deals. However, my main issues would be of operative nature where I am intenting to buy at least one property a month(all positive gear <100K each) and they are…[Read more]
RetireBy40 replied to the topic Anyone in Sydney? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hi Everyone,
It is great to see many like minded people who are willing to share and bouncing off each other idea.
I am brand new to this game and eager to get a good start. I shall forward my contact to Gracie and hope to see see you all soon!Hiu