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  • Profile photo of ReneeshenReneeshen
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 11

    Cattleya….. can I just say that just because you didn't learn much from steve's book doesn't mean it's crap. 

    On the topic of how Steve financed his purchases…..well has anyone thought of the fact that maybe be financed through his business?? 

    Furthermore, anyone can be a sceptic, but that is gutless.  We can all sit there wasting our time being sceptical about steve's book but that takes no courage.  Thinking is what most people don''t want to do.

    Plus property is a people business, and it's not about getting quick answers (I mean demanding answers from Steve!).  Donald trump bought his first commercial building with NO MONEY DOWN. 

    It depends on the person, how well you negotiate and how well you sell yourself to the bank.  Moreover, it's about how much you want it.  If you truly want it, you will find a way.

    Profile photo of ReneeshenReneeshen
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 11

    lol at least you got a sense of humour.  Anyway I seriously cbf arguing in a forum.  Good luck.

    Profile photo of ReneeshenReneeshen
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 11

    you must be very time rich

    Profile photo of ReneeshenReneeshen
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 11

    just branching off a bit from the topic….has anyone been to the tony robbins upw, wealth mastery or date with destiny programs?  And if so, what is your opinion on his programs as empowernet works alongside the tony robbins companies.
    Thanks :)

    Profile photo of ReneeshenReneeshen
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 11

    Hi there Amor,

    I know this is a little late but I attended the free 2 day seminar in melbourne and I found their information to be useful, however there is always a hard sell at the end of ewach segment.  I never went to the 5 day seminar, however if it was as much of a hard sell as the 2 day seminar was, then I do think it may have been disappointing.

    a question I have is…. I remember how they were trying to get people to come along and buy properties with them and get them at wholesale price, and do Steven and Michael Burnett get a commission for each property they sell?  Because if they do then it's a definite stay away for me!

    Profile photo of ReneeshenReneeshen
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 11

    thanks for the contributions guys….. explaining everything can be tough, because online posts can be misunderstood and it doesn't substitute for an in person conversation but I'm getting the idea of what everyone is saying, and I appreciate your inputs!

    Profile photo of ReneeshenReneeshen
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 11

    this is a little ridiculous don't you think?  Joining and becoming a member TODAY just to criticise? 

    on your point – steve McKnight actually talks about using the strategy I am asking about in his book (if you've read it)

    Profile photo of ReneeshenReneeshen
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 11

    That's the first time you made your point clear.  Instead of saying how little I must have learnt or how I don't have high ambitions, and attacking my lack of experience – that's all I needed to hear. 

    Profile photo of ReneeshenReneeshen
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 11

    hang on a sec….are we in here for support or arguments?  I appreciate positive input but if you're going to be like this then please, keep your posts to yourself. 

    Plus, I dont understand why you think I wanted to save money on conveyancing!  I already explained that's not why I wanted to do the law degree. 

    Leave room for people who won't attack my situation, this is about information, support and sharing of ideas, not to be cynical.

    Profile photo of ReneeshenReneeshen
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 11

    Hi Scott No Mates….. I think you misunderstood my post.  I don't want to do a law degree just to do business, or just so I can do the legal work in my own business…. but to play the game, you need to know the rules…..and a law degree never goes astray, especially since for me, it pushes my level of comfort.  Plus, the degree is fun and not to mention very intriguing. 

    As for the risk issue….. there is risk in every transaction.  Yes, I do understand the concept of a wrap and yes I will be repaying above market interest AND more for the purchase price of the property so the vendor can profit.  However there is always another level, there are always opportunities and I want to make myself aware of my options.

    Regarding the earnings… I don't plan to work for someone else, that's the whole point.  The essence of my question was really simple – just wanting to know if I can rent the property out in this situation. 

    thanks for your input.

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