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  • Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 28

    G'day Josh

    I am currently looking at properties in Chinchilla, would look forward to your thoughts and comments on this area.


    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
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    Let us know how you get on….


    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
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    G'day again

    Your slowly getting the gist of it,

    To answer your questions, If your system produces 5kw per day and you use 2 kw your meter will run back 3 kw so you are benifiting those 3 kw, you wont be paying for any power through the day, the 5kw you use at night you will be paying for minus the 3 kw your meter has run back, so in 24 hrs you paid for 2kw going by your numbers.

    I think i'm starting to confuse myself…..LOL

    You are correct when your meter runs back you are recieving a 1:1 benfit at the moment, but if you were getting paid for power going back to the grid via a solar meter that measures what you put back after your own usage (surplus power) you would get the paid for.( In victoria we get 66c per kw). So the best way to use them is minimise your usage through the day and put back to the grid during daylight then that should subsidise what you use at night. To simplify it here in Vic for every kw I put back to the grid I can use 3 kw off the grid. (22 cents per kw taken off the grid, 66 cents per kw put onto the grid)

    If your system makes 5kw and you use 7kw you only pay for 2kw as your house will use what ever your unit produces first.

    Hope this helps 



    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
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    G'day intrigue

    I live in Victoria and not long ago had a solar system installed.

    How its supposed to happen is that the solar installers install the unit and then they send some paperwork to your power retailer (yours is Ergon energy by the look of it) they also leave some paperwork in the power box for the inspector fill out and send on to your retailer. Once your retailer gets all this paperwork they send a work order to the company who looks after the power lines and reads the meters (ours is SP Ausnet in Victoria) Not sure who your would be, to have you meter changed to a solar meter so they can measure how much power goes in and how much you export back to the grid. Without this meter you wont be getting a cent for the power you are producing.

    First of all I would be calling the the company that installed the unit and make sure they have sent off all the correct paperwork to Ergon Energy ,going by your conversation with them I dont think they have , if not ask for a copy of it and send it off yourself. We had to send ours off 4 times before they finally got it. Once the retailers get this paperwork they can then order the new meter 

    To answer your questions, The power your generating you will be using yourself anything over that will go back to the grid, hence your meter running backwards. Any power going back to the grid at the momment you are not being paid for as ther is no way of measuring it.

    I think you will have buckleys of getting back pay as again ther is no way of measuring how much has gone back to the grid.

    You will have a lot of phone calling in front of you but don't give up, start with the installers then ergon again once you know the paperwork has gone through.

    Hope this helps



    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
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    bardon wrote:
    reggie5005 wrote:
    Property is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it…

    Equally it is only worth what a willing seller is prepared to take for it.

    To true Bardon

    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
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    Property is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it…

    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
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    G'day Jeffrey

    Going by your measurments you will be up for about 5 cubic meters of concrete, you wouldn't bother doing it with a mixer. Thats not including core filling your piers. Thats at 600*400 trench.

    Cheers Rod

    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
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    G'day Mike

    Thanks, got your report, excellent service you offer, keep up the good work.



    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
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    I use Stuart Smith, been with him for 10 years

    Level 1, 123 York Street
    South Melbourne Vic 3205
    tel: 03 9682 8966
    fax: 03 9682 8766
    mobile: 0409 788 399
    [email protected]

    Knows his stuff….

    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
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    Just be aware that some older people accumulate a lot of stuff over the years and a lot of it can be very valuable, a lot of older people have a habbit of collecting all sorts of things, antiques, old bottles, paintings, pottery ect ect. My wife had this expirience with her grandmother and they ended up finding a painting worth up to $30,000. I would be taking anything that looked remotely old or valuable and getting it valued, you never know what you may find.

    Good luck with it all

    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
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    thanks joez71 will give him a call

    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
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    Thanks Richard will give her a go



    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
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    G'day Sonyasal

    Should have a crack at renting out yourself, sounds like you could definatly do a better job, and you keep the fee's.

    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
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    Reading all these stories I think we need to have a name and shame section on this forum. Maybe if agents realise that if they perform poorly there bad name will there for everyone to see, and the same goes for good agents, somewhere people can read honest feedback about agents good or bad, state by state. Real estate agents have a black list for bad tenants maybe we need one for agents as well.

    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
    Join Date: 2010
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    I would agree with catalyst, you wouldn't be able to claim as it wasn't available for rent.

    An accountant should be able to give you a diffinative answer.

    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 28

    G'day JPS

    I've been looking at Chinchilla for my next investment property, would be interested in your experiences as I don't know to much about the area except from what I've read. My finacial advisor has just come back from there after looking at the potential of the place. He seemed to think it doesn't look to bad. I know there is a lot of gas and mining starting up around there. How have you found the rental demand for new properties as I would be looking at new, any info would be good.



    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
    Join Date: 2010
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    I've been looking at Chinchilla, with all the new gas and mining starting around here, does anyone live or looking to buy here and what are your thoughts?



    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 28

    G'day Galen

    Thanks for taking the time to respond, I will check out your website and see how it goes.

    Trev, you might find this interesting as well…my email for those mailing lists is [email protected]

    Once again thanks



    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
    Join Date: 2010
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    G'day Trev,

    If you could forward the mailing lists that would be great.

    I,ve found the same thing in regards to the higher prices, I guess it wouldn't be a government scheme if someone wasn't taking advantage of it, but in saying that like you said if you could find something that was reasonably priced I think it would be a good deal as long it was the right type of area. Looking at the numbers I think the 20% trade off in rent is well and truly worth the 9 grand or so. Will keep looking and see what comes up.



    Profile photo of reggie5005reggie5005
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 28
    wonderland wrote:
    I heard that the market is steady at the moment. I'm just worried that if i buy now, and property starts to get cheaper later on in the year, i'll be kicking myself!

    Thanks for your advice.

    Like others have been saying education is number one, you need to know what your buying and why. My piece of advise is that you need to look at property investing as a long term investment not short term, Property will fluctuate from time to time but I don't see it dropping substantially, there is still way to much demand and not enough supply in the right areas provided you do your homework.

    My two bobs worth


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