but on reflection with the advice you need to be a disciplined Saver.. get your savings and Spendings under control first… Agree, pay ATO off in installments.. You have a good income, utilise it..
Income is your Greates Asset !
“Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
Agree wholeheartedly with the general consensus of doing something with the land, it may be experiencing Growth but your not getting any income from it.. it’s an Asset, use it as such..
Like wrappacks idea of turning more land into land, with easter just gone it made me thing of ‘turning water into wine’
Why did you initially purchase the land ??
You probally know what to do, and the comments here i see would re-enforce your thinking..
“Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
The regional towns are ‘much’ smaller than Eastern States regional towns, remember this when looking at IP’s because of your tenant base.
With the Mining Industries going great guns again, some of the mining towns are achieving great rentals due to the influx of workers, and new building approvals are still going through..
Great State though, just a long distance between towns, especially the further north you go
“Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
Agree with the above, i’d be looking for CG as well as positive cash flow with your IP’s.
Remember most loans are for a term of 25 years, so look long term with your investment.
Don’t purchase in some remote area on the edge of the desert with 10 residents, 2 dogs and a goat, just because it meets the 11 second rule.
Agree with Derek thet some locals in regional areas are ‘laughing all the way to the bank’ with some Eastern States Investors buying up thier Homes, not saying there’s no good buy’s just do your Due dilligence..[biggrin]
“Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
As myself and others have stated here before..’don’t’ buy simply because a IP is + geared, there are many out there in Regional areas ‘cheap as chip’s’, however.. would you want them ?
Look at the Population trends and Economic trends of an area you feel meets your criteria ( in saying that, the first thing is to have a Strategy ), most + Geared IPs are older properties, some in dire need of repairs, others are well kept and a bonus, someone on this site described a lot of them as Sh*^#boxes, why buy in a one horse town – if the horse then ups and leaves, so make sure you have a reasonable tenant base..
If your going to invest $1000’s make sure you invest well, otherwise you have an expensive holiday home !
If you don’t have the time or the inclination to conduct your research, utilise the services of Westan, Bear 1964, MiniMogul or RussH, who offer spotters services..
“Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
It’s my belief that purchasing the IP shouldn’t influence your FHOG ( if thats what your using for the apartment ?)
One shouldn’t influence the other. Do a check on this site re FHOG and you should find your state’s relevant website for FHOG, i recall All state’s posted here before.. or ‘Google it ‘
“Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”