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  • RedTim replied to the topic Joke of the Week in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 6 months ago

    I’ve just heard that Derren Hinch has been sacked by Kellogg’s because he’s giving people the s**ts.

  • RedTim replied to the topic Stinkin’ Gurus in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 6 months ago

    Article speaks for itself:

  • RedTim replied to the topic Stinkin’ Gurus in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 6 months ago

    Article speaks for itself:

  • RedTim replied to the topic ASIC update on Jamie Mcintyre in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 6 months ago

    No hard feelings, it’s just that some people do make money from seminars, and of course some don’t.

    Do whatever works, I don’t care, it’s only money.

    Now where did I put my “SMSF For Dummies” book…..

  • RedTim replied to the topic Joke of the Week in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 6 months ago

    I was in this retaurant the other day with a few friends. It was pretty fancy, they served mainly Mediteranean dishes. I didn’t really know what I wanted, and the menu didn’t help me much. There were all these rediculous names for things and I had no idea. When the waiter came to our table he took everyone’s order and then he got to me. He was…[Read more]

  • RedTim replied to the topic ASIC update on Jamie Mcintyre in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 6 months ago

    So if someone wants to learn what Jamie (and you) do, where do they go?

    Personally, I think anyone who wants to be an investor (not those who don’t want to be) would learn more from Jamie, than from ASIC. And would learn more from ASIC, than this forum.

    By the way, which parts of his two 30 hour seminars didn’t you like? And what did you think…[Read more]

  • RedTim replied to the topic TV! A WASTE OF LIFE. in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 6 months ago

    Originally posted by Dr.X:
    When are people going to wake up, start questioning instead of accepting all recieved information and start thinking for themselves?
    A: Never. Ever read “The Richest Man in Babylon”? People have known how to create wealth for 8,000 years, why are we going to start listening now? And if you think TV is bad, what about…[Read more]

  • RedTim replied to the topic ASIC update on Jamie Mcintyre in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 6 months ago

    Originally posted by Cata:
    I have a friend who lost $5k in a scam set up by Jamie.

    (Cata, I hope you contacted your solicitor before posting this comment.)

    Thanks Nat R, you help keep things in balance. The more people that develop your mindset the better.
    Think about it for a second…
    What if everyone owned rental properties? What if only 10%…[Read more]

  • RedTim replied to the topic Click here. in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 6 months ago

    I’ve just never seen a forum with so much advertising, that’s all. Nothing cryptic.

  • RedTim replied to the topic Stinkin’ Gurus in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 6 months ago

    We live in the best country in the world, and it was just my tongue-in-cheek way of saying to people we need to be more appreciative of how good we really have it. Even without investing we live better quality lives than billions of people around the world.
    There would be many people that wish they could have property investing problems. Because…[Read more]

  • RedTim replied to the topic Positive in capital city! in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 6 months ago

    I’m just throwing up an idea, that’s all, and I thought this would be the best place to do it. In fact I didn’t want to do it here because it’s quite unfortunate what gets posted forums like these (Okay, I am guilty of one tongue-in-cheek post). We’re supposed to be talking about “property investing” and bouncing ideas and thoughts…[Read more]

  • RedTim replied to the topic Positive in capital city! in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 6 months ago

    No I haven’t, like I said I saw this place (and several others) on the net, and rather than giving up and simply saying that it’s out of my price range (which it is for me and most people), I thought that there might be a way for people like me to get their hands on these deals (I challenge anyone to find a traditional single family home with…[Read more]

  • RedTim replied to the topic Positive in capital city! in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 6 months ago

    “An ad?”
    All I did was see a few properties on the net, and they looked really good, and wondered if people get together to buy these things? (or just leave ’em for the mega rich?)

    “Most of my posts?”
    I’m up to about 8 now, in about a year. A long way off 2794 (that’s a lot of time). I’d love to know what I’m advertising because I don’t have a…[Read more]

  • RedTim replied to the topic Positive in capital city! in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 6 months ago

    Purchase price: $300,000
    70% Mortgage: $210,000
    Deposit Required: $90,000
    Cost/year: $15,000 ($210,000 x 7%)
    Income/year: $29,000 ($560 x 52)
    Positive cashflow: $14,000
    Return on Investment: 15.5% (14/91)
    (Not including depreciation and capital growth in Brisbane suburb)

    Any complaints? Even if you…[Read more]


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