My names Sean and I am looking towards becoming a property investor like yourself so add me on msn [email protected] if you wish and we could catch up on there.
Um first of all how much education have you got in terms of buying and doing up properties? have you spent time + money to build up your knowledge base first or are you just going to jump into the deep end straightaway.
I am sure the other more experience property investors will help you out.
First off I am a young property investor and I am learning the ropes like you so please feel free to add me on msn [email protected] and I would love to chat with you about your situation.
1. How much time have you invested into educating yourself before you think about getting into property investment?
2. Family and business should never mix ( i.e. buying the house of the grandparents)
3. Everything is expensive because people are looking for the easy way out, setting up what we call in NZ LAQC, or looking for negatively geared property hence why the demand for property increases and values keep rising. That is why we have property cycles. If you cant find a good property to purchase spend time learning to how to find them, they are always there but the hard part is learning how to find them and believing you can find them.
My strategy personally is even though I dont have a lot of money, if any at all, i will learn first about property investment, learn the strategies and spend time acquiring an arsenal of strategies I can use in any part of the property cycle, Up, down or flat.
So yeah maybe the best thing you can do is attend a seminar by a property investor that you have read about and you admire and learn.
Robert K saying ” if you thinking education is expensive, try ignorance”
Good luck mate
I wish you all the best and I hope to hear from you soon.
I hope that you can forgive me but I am a novice and I happily admit it but if I could be honest as to give some advice from the books that I have spent hours reading.
1. When you say you cant get a mortgage, i know you’re retired but when they say they cant give you a mortgage that basically means you as a person dont qualify because your not earning any income. Do you have passive income? What you need to prove to them is that you have a deal thats worth investing into. If you have capital greater than X percentage I heard they dont even look at your personal situation. In NZ i think its 30% or greater deposit for a house.
2. Like others have said in these posts, are you a property investor or a property trader? One can only give you an answer if you explain your situation a bit more. You want to renovate a property thats fine and you can do a great job but with all the costs involved that trakka has said I dont seeing it being cost effective as a solution.
3. Like you have said the property market is in a decline + high costs of selling do you want a quick dollar or do you want to have a positive cashflow property?
4. What are your goals? Do you want to do this renovation and hope to make enough profit to retire? do you want to keep on doing this???
I hope this helps and feel free to add me on msn
Good luck and look forward to hearing what is your solution.
Property development is a tough game from what I have heard, have you invested enough time to build up your knowledge to see what it takes to be good at property development?
If its a great opportunity why not sell it as a great opportunity on the condition that the person who purchases it from you shows you what they do with the property as an exchange of services.
If you want to press ahead with the deal, use a quantity surveyor to assess the site and use the professionals to tell you what you can do and how much it costs.
Make sure the figures add up man.
Even though I have no actually property investment experience I hope this helps. One day I will get into property development but my skills are numbers I would just hire people who are experts to tell me what I can or cant do and then if its right do it!
Take your time mate and assess the deal thoroughly,
Ps: i have msn so if you wish you can add me and we could have a chat. [email protected]
Even though I am new to property investment your line of thinking makes sense.
Most people I have talked with say land + building is good. But like the book says it depends on your goals.
And yeah get advice from people but in the end you make the choices as its your money and hey if you make a mistake who cares, learn from it.
Lol I know I will make tons of mistakes as I have always made in my short life but I make sure to learn from them at an early stage rather than when it hurts.