recoveryman replied to the topic Investing in Japan? in the forum Overseas Deals 17 years ago
Hi Terrywwho do you have as a PM for your house over in Japan, as I see this as real problem if I do buy over thereor do you use it yourselfthanksrecoveryman
recoveryman replied to the topic agent fees geradton in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
They all charge the same and they all know that
glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic Whose repsonsible for the driveway? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
the coucil is resonible
glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic Bermagui – Anyone like it? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
yes I agree there is a shartage of land there and it is right on the cast
it just has that hard to get to feel
I dont see you loosing money there
I just have not enought capital to leave and wait for the growth
glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic South Coast of NSW – Bega to Batemans Bay in the forum General Property 20 years ago
I live in down here and I have not brought any thing for 2 years and my gut feel is wait prices seem to be going nowhere down if anything
if rates go up or something things could change
Glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic Bermagui – Anyone like it? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
great town, there yesterday
huge rise in prices last 2 years
only capital gain places if any no cashflow
Glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic Multi-function printer/copier/fax recommendations? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
I am very happy with my brother 9180
much chaeper on ink
Glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic Trip to NZ in January 2005 in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago
backpackers are the go, clean and tidy and good prices. heard good reports about freedom
Good luck“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic agent fees in WA Geraldton in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Hi Steph or anyone in Geraldton
what do your get charged to sell?
Glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic trusts in NZ in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I am so confused/[buz2]
“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic trusts in NZ in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I am so confused/[buz2]
“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic trusts in NZ in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I am so confused/[buz2]
“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic trusts in NZ in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I think I could save you some money
my accountant has looked at this and he belives
I would be up for more tax in a trust situation than my own name
I have requested that he speak to a tax lawyer to find out more as it is important question for me
will keep you all informed
glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and…[Read more]
recoveryman replied to the topic taxation of non-resident trust income NZ in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
thanks for the info
for me having them in own name is best
no high income
not likely to be sued
and still concernedabout that question about trust in the tax r/t
also spoke to my solisoter here and in NZ
both agree for me trust are not right
glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic taxation of non-resident trust income NZ in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
thanks for the info
for me having them in own name is best
no high income
not likely to be sued
and still concernedabout that question about trust in the tax r/t
also spoke to my solisoter here and in NZ
both agree for me trust are not right
glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic agent fees in WA Geraldton in the forum General Property 20 years ago
anyone in geraldton have better fees
from agents
Glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic taxation of non-resident trust income NZ in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
all, any other ideas
glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic agent fees in WA Geraldton in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Ifor from Nora Allen, the others where a little bit higher
glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic agent fees in WA Geraldton in the forum General Property 20 years ago
thats what I am saying
WA agents charge more for out of town people
and all agents are in on it
glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
recoveryman replied to the topic Merimbula, NSW in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Hi all
dont forget Eden, down the road as well
Glenn“I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life” D. Ignatow
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