rbooth replied to the topic Second hand Wrap Kit & Lockboxes in the forum Creative Investing 17 years ago
Hi McHenry, I have a wrap pack for sale @$500.00 but it doesn't have a lockbox?There are 7 seperate packages in all (video,CD and manual in each) and in perfect condition.If your interested just message me.RegardsRBooth
rbooth replied to the topic Our first reno project in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago
Hi Jase & Flic,I love reading about your progress, very informative.BTW I managed to buy a Steve McKnight Wrap kit on Ebay today, so I now have some serious reading to do. Got the word about it from someone on this forum.Keep up the good work.Russ
rbooth replied to the topic -=** Help needed for first deal in PI **=- in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Hi Johnny,Thanks for that, I will look those figures up. As far as the by-pass, it's called the Deer park by-pass and will supposedly shave off 10-15mins driving time to the city and will join up with Ring road when it is completed. It has been mentioned in the local papers here for quite a while and I think if you check the Shire of Melton…[Read more]
rbooth replied to the topic -=** Help needed for first deal in PI **=- in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
HI gaga,I notice you mention you 'checked out the data' for Melton & Sunbury. Could you tell me what or where that data is? I wouldn't mind checking it myself.BTW,one thing that is a drawback with Sunbury is access to the CBD. The old Sunbury to Tullamarine Airport road is absolutely terrible in peak times as is the Calder Hwy if you enter the…[Read more]
rbooth replied to the topic -=** Help needed for first deal in PI **=- in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Hi gaga,For what it's worth, I'll broadly outline my experience with the West.I lived in Sunbury for 15yrs until my divorce in the late 90s when I moved to Melton. Sunbury was a great place to live and as I worked for Ansett at the airport, it was conveient. Having read Jan Somers first property book back in the early 90s, I immediately purchased…[Read more]
rbooth replied to the topic Our first reno project in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago
Hi Jase & Flic,Thanks for the response, I want to apologise for "thread hogging" with my questions about wraps. I am very new at this and was unaware of my breach of forum 'etiquette' until my wife spotted it and gave me a lecture. I have now seen the error of my ways and will now put the question to the forum in a more appropriate topic a…[Read more]
rbooth replied to the topic Our first reno project in the forum pinknic20 wrote:why doesn’t 18 years ago
pinknic20 wrote:
why doesn't Steve sell the wrap pack any more?Hi NicoleI contacted Steve through the products line on this forum via email and the reply was:Wrapping is an investment solution that is most applicable to solve the problem of finance. This is less of an issue in the current de-regulated finance industry, as the market has…[Read more]
rbooth replied to the topic Our first reno project in the forum Hi Jase & Flic,I am new to 18 years ago
Hi Jase & Flic,I am new to this forum, but I have taken great interest in your thread since you started it. I must say your thread is nothing short of inspiring .How on earth do you manage all this work on the project and work what I presume is a fulltime job? Have you taken some form of leave from your employer?My best friend and I recently set…[Read more]