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  • ratherBfishn replied to the topic Land Tax in Victoria in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 9 months ago

    The Governments Land Tax Policy, is just another obvious sign the current State Government is arrogant and in need of ousting.

    To justify some of the Land Tax increases, by repeated comments that, “Victoria still has one of the lowest LT % in the country” is just another way of proving their arrogance.

    Could they chane the legislation? Of course…[Read more]

  • ratherBfishn replied to the topic need some advice, i’ve hit a stop sign in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks all for your replies.

    I am managing my repayments well enough to avoid any chance of my ppr becoming anyone elses bargain.
    I have 100% equity in the portland property,last offer was $160,000, and no i wont be selling, i have approx, $40-$50k equity in this house.

    I will be fixing the portland property to rental standard in about a months…[Read more]

  • ratherBfishn replied to the topic need some advice, i’ve hit a stop sign in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks for the reply mk2r, It’s not rented because it has no stove, sink, and needs a hot water service.

    It is my ip, and this house here in melb, is my ppr,i can only make this loan interest only if i am paid up with my loan, so it makes it hard to get in front with the high re-payments.

    I dont really want to sell in Portland , and can…[Read more]


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