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  • Rastuss replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    I just drive a 93 nissan patrol but i had to laugh a young bloke at work just married went a got himself a brand new hsv ute at around 70 Grand which he pays $400 aweek on repayments.Asked him why he didn't buy a house he said you can't drive a house!

  • Rastuss replied to the topic home loan in the forum Finance 18 years ago

    Thank you all for your information, just wanted to make sure i wasn’t paying anymore than i had too and judging for all the info i’ve got i’m not to bad off.
    It’s like being a teenager again! willing the years away so you can start driving a car……..[biggrin]

  • Rastuss replied to the topic HOME TO RELOCATE in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Thanks shwing,
    Ithought i would ask on here just incase[biggrin]

  • Rastuss replied to the topic drowning not waving in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago


    Thank you for your reply.
    Whom do i talk to in regards to following on with this.

    Also my bank said i’m able to get $12,000 fhog, is that $7,000 and a state grant or was i miss lead?

  • Rastuss replied to the topic drowning not waving in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    i forgot to mention that i’m looking at staying in the rental for the time been and hopefully maintain both the rental and were we are at now.

    For what i can afford we would have to move to far out which won’t suit my better half.
