rar_piper replied to the topic What would you do with your time??? in the forum Opinionated! 18 years ago
I also give some of my money I make from my business to charities. I give to Mission Australia and The Royal Australian Regiment Foundation for soldiers. (I am an ex Infantry soldier so that’s why I donate to that).
rar_piper replied to the topic What would you do with your time??? in the forum No Subject 18 years ago
yes! sleep in! instead of waking up 3 that electric Coo Coo clock!
rar_piper replied to the topic Used book NEEDED please!!!!!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Hello, Why U selling it?
oh well, could you please send me a price figure u would like to sell it for to,
Thank you, Jasonrar_piper replied to the topic YOUNG PROPERTY INVESTORS club?? in the forum General Property 18 years ago
G’day, I’m 22 and from the mornington Peninsular of Victoria. I’m very interested in a “club”.
What I am interested in knowing is if there are people (from the peninsular area) who are interested perhaps a bit of networking? So not a club per-say but just people who are interested in property investing or investing in general, who want to get…[Read more]rar_piper replied to the topic Is it still possible??? in the forum General Property 19 years ago
Oh ok, thats great to know! I am not one to back away from a challenge! What about steves Master Class pack? has that got more up-dated info for todays market??
Also, I have noticed that it seems still very possible with some comercial properties with the properties rent exceeding it’s out goings but, it’s just a wee hard coming up with that…[Read more]