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  • RAR replied to the topic National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    NRAS – is a good financial initiative if the builder approved to build the NRAS investment property actually builds what was agreed to.  I sighned contracts on the 17th August 2010 and I am still sorting out the mess.You really have to consider if its worth the drama if your thinking of building.Cheers

  • RAR replied to the topic NRAS Investments in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Hey Guys,I see lots of discussion on the dollars over ten years…..Your assumption is that you will get what you paid for?  Right?But if your NRAS investment property is devalued by the builder who is approved to build the property….  by simply plutting the cheapest stuff he can find in your NRAS investment property, and the estimates are b…[Read more]

  • RAR replied to the topic NRAS scheme Victoria in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    "The NRAS Scheme seeks to address the shortage of affordable rental housing by offering financial incentives to the business and investment sectors. The Australian Government will give you as a successful NRAS Investor."CSQ Town Planner.To the best of my knowledge that is the stated aim of the NRASHowever what I have experienced is this:The…[Read more]

  • RAR replied to the topic NRAS scheme Victoria in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Hi Derek,It may be late at night…. but how is it not NRAS issue?My understanding is that the builder is approved to build the NRAS properties.The point I am making is that NRAS is a State and Federal Government initiative. What I am drawing to your attention to is my experience of not getting the  " highest standards"as an outcome inspite of …[Read more]

  • RAR replied to the topic NRAS scheme Victoria in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    NRAS – my experience in Queensland.I purchased my property of a plan….  some of the issues to consider are this……1  The builder did not build in accordance with the  contracted plans. 2 The builder did not build in accordance with the  approved plans (held by council).3  The builder built in accordance with the not approved plans without my…[Read more]