rafaelbotafogo replied to the topic As I attract investors for property in Brazil in the forum I am salle a immovable of 16 years ago
I am salle a immovable of others, I am saller property in Brazil, and am interested in obtaining that he wants to invest in property. The percentage of participation in the value of the property in Brazil is of 5%, in case that you bring the customer, us will be able to divide.
rafaelbotafogo replied to the topic As I attract investors for property in Brazil in the forum you only can be playing! I 16 years ago
you only can be playing! I work I eat corrector in Brazil I am not passing no blow. I am sale immovable of my customers in supervalued points of Rio De Janeiro. Case you do not know Rio De Janeiro you are the city with bigger cost of living of America surpassing even though New York. Now if some finds that Brazil is a forest of monkeys that only…[Read more]
rafaelbotafogo replied to the topic As I attract investors for property in Brazil in the forum he is serious, that is a 16 years ago
he is serious, that is a great chance for partnership