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  • Rachel replied to the topic +ve cashflow deals… I’ve got ’em in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Thanks for everyone who e-mailed me, I have be inandated by 100’s of e-mails. For the Investors who have e-mailed me I’m in the process of repling with the deals, unfortuntaly my typing speed is a little slow, so don’t worry, the e-mails with the deals should be sent within the next day or so.
    I will not be accepting anymore e-mails as there is a…[Read more]

  • Rachel replied to the topic anyone got a tape player? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Jars 11

    I dont think it really matters what it is on just as long as you listen to it and fast you dont know what you are missing out on. There are ways and means of getting around everyday hurdles like this one. Dont stress yourself out on the everyday ones leave that to the BIG hurdles in life.

    Regards Rachel

    Don’t just sit there and say…[Read more]

  • Rachel replied to the topic Eviction – wait or act? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Soma

    Why dont you post exactly what your situation is with your tenant, assuming that this is a current situation you are in so we can give you a better opinion on how to act. Every Tenant and situation is unique and needs to be approached with this in mind.
    Regards Rachel
    Don’t just sit there and say YES BUT. JUST DO IT!

  • Rachel replied to the topic CAN A SINGLE MUM BUY INVEST PROPERTY? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Sunnigirl

    Dont Let being a single Mum stop you. I am a single Mum and live in Hervey Bay Qld and in the last 5mths Purchased 4 propertys with No. 5 property in the works. You just have to be prepared for people to say no you cant do what you want to do but then turn around and say Thankyou but I will find someone that can help me.
    However…[Read more]

  • hi Violeta
    You said you have asked your accountants in the past about trusts. Maybe you need to go and ask the question again as your ambitions on just excactly what you want to achieve in property investing may have changed. When I set up my company trading with a trust fund my Accountant and lawyer dicussed what would be the best asset…[Read more]

  • Rachel replied to the topic Family trusts in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Onlykarma
    That is great that you are about to embark on Property investing the best thing to do is work out what you want out of property investing and then go and talk to an accountant so he can advice you on what would be best for your situation. Dont let lack of stucture hold you back though because you will learn as you go. I have just…[Read more]

  • Rachel replied to the topic Are you going to be a property millionaire? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Leigh

    Look forward to meeting you there to. Im certainly going wouldnt miss it for the world!Dont just sit there and say yes but JUST DO IT

    Cheers Rachel

  • Rachel replied to the topic Set Backs in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    HI AD
    thankyou for you words of encouragement. I have been wanting to make contact with you as Steve rang me a few months ago and said that you would be a good person to talk with about Wraps In Qld. He said he would email you my name but not sure if he did or not. He must be a busy Man!
    To answer your Questions, one has a tenent in until April…[Read more]

  • Rachel replied to the topic Hervey Bay / Maryborough in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Would be interested in hearing from any investors with experience in the Hervey Bay & Maryborough areas.
    Hervey Bay seems to be providing some good Capital Growth along the coastal strip & Maryborough looks good for +ve/wrap deals.

    Any experiences out there?

    I actually live in Hervey Bay. To find a positive cashflow property here is…[Read more]

  • Rachel replied to the topic Wraps in Qld and finding Lawyers in Qld in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Brad so far I have only recieved ones in brisbane however I live in Hervey Bay but have decided to go with one in brisbane because everything can be done on the phone faxes and email and there fees seem to be considerably less then the lawyers in my area. I have decided to go with Craig after talking with him if you would like his email let me…[Read more]

  • Rachel replied to the topic Buying State Contracts For Wrap Deals in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Felicity
    Thankyou for you thoughts as am only new to this just needed to ask the question. As Steve said if it is a win win deal for all parties concerned then the contract isnt as important as one might think
    Have A great Day

  • Rachel replied to the topic Buying State Contracts For Wrap Deals in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Thank-you Steve, Yes I have purchased your Wrap Library and have listen to your cd on the contract that it itself is not as important as making sure that it is a good win win purchase for everyone concerned . Had just read about those state contracts and had wondered wether any body had gone down that road or not.
    Have a great Day

  • Rachel replied to the topic Wraps in Qld and finding Lawyers in Qld in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Thankyou I will take on board that information
    regards Rachel

  • Rachel replied to the topic Wraps in Qld and finding Lawyers in Qld in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Thankyou so much for those list of lawyers they should come useful as a reccomendation to my wrap clients to seek legal advice

    Regards Rachel

    Hi guys I have just purchased a wrap libary and am keen to talk to people in Qld tht have started wrapping properties in Qld. I have found a couple of 11 second solution properties and are ready to run…[Read more]

  • Rachel replied to the topic Wraps in Qld and finding Lawyers in Qld in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Thankyou so much AD for your response I have noted that phone no. and will give him a call this week.

  • Rachel replied to the topic Wraps in Qld and finding Lawyers in Qld in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Thankyou craig for giving me your information about your firm I have sent an email to that address and am awaiting your reply.
    Thankyou so much Rachel
