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  • Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 25

    Gday jase and flic

    Well done… nearlly there :)

    May i ask who you got to do your painting on the roof and driveway??

    Thanks again..


    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    I'm with masterREL
    "If it’s so easy and they make so much money why not become one?"

    Its so easy to complain. the price is the price…

    If your angry about how much tradies can change and inturn, how much money they are making….. try the other option and get your self a trade and earn all this money yourself..  The problem is, no one wants to get there hands dirty in this day and age.. its much easier to sit behind a computer all day.

    Travel, quote, travel

    travel, unpack, complete task, pack up, travel……  in addition the material price.      The job might take 5 mins and $20 worth of material but theres so much more involved… oh, and the customers attitude.. hehehe :)

    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    ""Flat got revalued at an extra $40,000. Wouldnt you know it – people stopped laughing and I get told all the time how 'lucky' I got."""

    This is so true…. How people can winge and moan and if you save, go out and give it a go (property) and then make some decent money.  Then get  "GOT LUCKY!"   No, i made it happen!!!!  

    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    Don't buy in Melton…… I lived in Melton and moved to Bacchusmarsh.    Melton now, has got the option to buy house and land packages for $200,000. These are poping up in new estates all over the area.  Brand new!  Plus melton really doesn't have a good name for it's self.

    Had a friend who bought 4 houses in melton. He lived in melton and got the taste for property.  But sold up 3 years later with nothing to show for it.  No real capital and alot of mantainence. plus -cashflow.

    Try ballarat on the west side.  

    I believe Melton is a no go for the present and then future.but if you can see otherwise, you do what you gotta do.

    cheers mate

    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    An R1 99 model…..   It's a weapon….  and also a vs ute for work , tools etc

    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    I hate to say it but i'm still with ya crashy and your views.

    Every business is out to charge maxmum dollars and as much as they can…  not just tradies.

    Maybe, it cpould be because there are bigger dollars in a deal and it's more emotional being your house, that it hits home emotionally and becomes an issue?

    There are good and bad people in every business being it, sales, construction, advice e.t.c   (i think phone companys are cu%ts)! sorry…….

    Anyway, to finish off,
    Maybe it's just the tradies that can "MEASURE UP" the money making deals better than others!      excuse the pun! 

    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    i dont know. you could just tell me and then everyone would know for future reference…


    Thanks again


    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    Working on a job today for a guy who took out a 3 mil loan to fund/buy the two blocks, which are next to each other and to build the two massive houses. 

    He's helping us on the tools and we could not be happier.  We are on an hourly rate rate with him which he is happy with.

    He says that he likes to help out because he needs a qualified worker, which he isn't, to build his houses and by helping us, we can get a job done to met his satisfaction. A WIN WIN OUTCOME.
    He maybe doing this to keep an eye on us? i don't know, but who cares.  He's a great laugh and bought us beers this arvo. We will be putting in extra effort tomorrow because he is a genuine nice bloke. He's going to make a fortune out of it and we are happy with what we are getting.

    Question:  If the tradies are in such a great position of power with screwing customers and getting away with murder whilst making loads and loads of money, Why aren't you trying to becoming a tradie then and using this niche market to capitalise on? 

    Most people in this day and age don't like getting there hands dirty anymore.

    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    i would get them to a positive cashflow position. Dont know the exact figures but they seem to be close.  Then the jobs done.
    1: They'll pay for themselfs 2: The equity will keep rising and you can still bank the $1000 a week.

    Am i wrong?

    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    i was also thinking along the same lines…..   and i would like to get some info on this.

    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    Well i believe that it's best if the advisors does get a commision or a percentage out of your earnings (investment).  This way they have more of an interest in your money and if it doesn't grow then THEY dont make any more money…

    If it's just a flat annual fee, what do they care if you lose your money year to year…….  The advisor needs an incentive to help it grow.

    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    Are you trying to say use your equity to fund your life style?

    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    This is great.

    I'm a carpenter my self and i totally agree with crashy!
    If we get a bad/arogant customer, the job losses a part of its sole and you just dont care about it any more.

    It's a sad truth.

    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    Inflation? maybe.

    They say Price of house doubles every 10 years. And actual money doubles 25 years.


    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    Ha foundation.  true true…….    Once again, don't go off what the real estate agents tell you…  (This is very bad practice).  Do your own research and make your own decisions.

    i believe frankston isn't as bad as what people are saying but do your own research.
    Purchase for around 400k?  you must be recieving a decent rental return?


    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    i was put onto hewison and associates in south melbourne.   no: 96821900

    Great company with really good people. Have certainly helped me get me on the way.
    They haven't actually charged me for chats and questions and meetings due to (my parents wealth) with them. 
    Prices $  i don't know..


    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    haha.  i'm 24.   I have been together with my missus for 1 year and i have done exactly the same..

    Maybe the secret to wealth creation and getting yourself together is to find a WOMAN?

    It worked for me.

    haha Cheers 


    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
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    i'm 24 and at the start of the new year will be investing in our first IP.  i can't wait.

    i've spent the last 6 months reading steves books and other books which is helping me with my knowledge.
     i've been getting my maths and research down so i'll be ready to pick one when were ready.
    i've already picked out my area and found a few that i would consider buying….
    whats funny is, i've been reading books and getting all organised to start. I've spoken to the missus many times about it and she's ready to help out and support any way she can.   But…..

    i made up a 5 year plan and printed it out to show her what we should aim for and what we can achive….
    i found out that goals that we have talked about have different DATES!

    Buying PPOR which will stunt the growth. kids. animals….   all at different dates.  so we've had to work them in.

    Lucky we got this worked out now..     The 5 year plan has been changed to an 8 year plan now !

    I recomend writting out a 5 year plan and i mean WRITTING a plan..  Get your knowledge down which you are doing. I pretend that i've already got a loan and i ask all the necassery questions. Do all the maths… I find it fun..

    i have pass two which were worthy  and would have been great to start the portfolio but i'm really happy about is that i have been able to find them..   i showed the parents one of the propertys and what i have been up to and they said if i find another one, contact them straight away!!   Commision here we come..!

    Mark         Hope i helped

    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 25

    Thanks L.A Aussie. 

    I guess i've only got you guys…..


    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 25

    May i ask who the insuance company is ? 



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