Total Members: 159,761


  • QueenBee replied to the topic what is a good salary these days? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Congrats, Richmond, on new job. Interesting & worthwhile question.

    Here’s my 5 cents worth. Now that I’m not working, I’ve had alot more time to think about it. I’ve earned from $0 to over $200k pa, and this is some of the things I’ve learnt about having money and how much do I need to live on:

    1. It’s true that “There is no such thing as a free…[Read more]

  • QueenBee replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    hi aaron, thanks, looks like i’m not the only one with lots of ideas…copious great coffee with like-minded people and fellow forumites, abit like a property hangout. any other feedback ???

  • QueenBee replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    this is my last day at work, got my redundancy payment (yeehaaa!!), so now mortgage on PPOR is almost paid off and 1 IP. i was in IT (yep, lots of us around) and management consulting, was not bored, just exhausted, too many buzzwords and long, soul-less hours. have been toying with running my own business in something totally different, got…[Read more]

  • QueenBee replied to the topic NZ suburbs in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    hello rodc,
    thanks for the tassie article, just read it, i even learnt some new vocab, ie “cruelled the game”..yee gads!!

    i’m new to pi, so i’m trying to learn as much as poss…i try to balance my excitement at doing PI with some of the realities of pi and these articles help.
    Cheers, QB[;)]

  • QueenBee replied to the topic NZ suburbs in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hello everyone,

    I think NZ is a beautiful country and has lots of PI opportunities worth checking out, but please look at the article in
    which is a timely reminder that it’s the checking out bit that’s important.

    Good luck & Happy investing, QB [:)

  • QueenBee replied to the topic NZ-Cashflow Analysis in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hello Willi,
    Been caught up in other things and haven’t had a chance to come back to this question. I guess I am really interested in the detailed outflows to get a better handle of the costs involved in purchasing in NZ…some of those questions have been answered in another topic – NZ suburbs. Also in the link I found, there are items relating…[Read more]

  • QueenBee replied to the topic NZ suburbs in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hello everyone,

    Just a quick question to those who have purchased in NZ, where does GST come in the purchasing transaction ? I read in SMH Sat that our all-conquering NSW premier & his better half have just bought some land near Queenstown for around 350K and they paid 35K in GST (can anyone shed some light on this, please or is our premier…[Read more]

  • QueenBee replied to the topic NZ suburbs in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago


  • QueenBee replied to the topic Need help-PI under company in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hello everyone,
    Special thanks to all who provided input (I love the “community” spirit in this forum, keep it going) to my dilemma. Some good advice which I will take on board and explore further, will post any future solution taken on the forum.

    Looks like this will prove to be a costly exercise for me (I’m really kicking myself here), I guess…[Read more]

  • QueenBee replied to the topic Need help-PI under company in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hello Stuart,
    Thanks for your reply. I was just looking through some of the other topics when I came across a comment by TheEnjoLady:

    “Never buy an appreciating asset in a company name unless the company is the trustee for your trust.”

    which ties in with what you said, but would you (or anyone else ??) be able to shed some light on the last bit…[Read more]

  • QueenBee replied to the topic Another NZ question! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hello MiniMogul,
    I’m also interested in NZ PIs (maybe something to do with my equal half being a Kiwi, hails from Wgtn, but we live in Syddddney), but I’m a newbie and trying to learn & absorb as much as poss. I was thinking of Hamilton, Tauranga and Taranaki…

    I would welcome any help & guidance you may offer on NZ PIs (eg contacts, process,…[Read more]

  • QueenBee replied to the topic Roll Call in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hello everyone,
    I’m a newbie, found this forum about a month ago, have been checking in regularly since. I am so impressed with the strong sense of community and the warm and helpful folks that I’ve decided to join in. I hope to be able to contribute more as I get more experience and confidence in PI.

    I live in Sydney with my lovely husband, Jono…[Read more]
