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Unlikely though that any Vendor would sign it if it was less than 5 business days to the Auction and would expect you to waive the Cooling offer period.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Not sure which State you are in but i am sure most would be the same.
If the property is going to auction then most sellers would want the cooling off period to have expired prior to the day of the auction especially if this is a weekend.
Otherwise there is nothing to stop you withdrawing under the cooling off period and they find they had missed the opportunity of selling the property on the day of the auction.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
blogs how many are you buying in companies such as these.
By the way the low for the day was 1.465.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
5 to 6 times scary isnt it.
When i left University in the UK in the 80's it was 3 x your annual income or 3.5 x if you used the right lender.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Sorry cant help you on Qu 1 but as for 2
"Anyone carrying on an enterprise needs to be registered for an ABN" doesnt mean that you have to wait until you have some revenue.
Also remember a sole trader, partnership, Trust or other entity can operate a business you don't have to go to the expense of setting up a Pty Ltd Company straight up.
If you have incurred business expenses in the course of generating an income you will be able to claim the expense.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Now back to $1.88.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
If you are would consider the Gold Coast feel free to contact my Accountant Steve Hodgkinson who is senior partner at the Gold Business Group in Southport.
Steve has been my Accountant for 12 years and has done wonders for us and our complicated structures.
I have also introduced many clients to and all are more than happy with the service and his level of knowledge.He can be contacted on (07) 5532 2855.
Tell him i referred you as most good accountants are not taking on new clients.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Sorry you have totally confused me.
I think the question is can you use equity in one property to finance the next one and so and so on.
If so then the answer is Yes and is how most investors fund their portfolios.If this is not the question can i get you to start again.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Ok would be a good idea to refinance quick smart and pretend it never happened.
I can see a few things I would do immediately but transferring the properties to a trust structure is probably not that high on the list due to the stamp duty and potential CGT issues.
By all means look at a Trust structure for future acquisitions.
The equity you have in the current properties should enable you to establish some good access to fund further acquisitions and funded correctly will go along way to boosting your portfolio.
I would try and keep the loans separate and do not cross collateralise the securities.
Let us know if you need further assistance.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Are you saying that the LOC was used for shares and deposits although you current have your incomes paid into the LOC and then redraw from it to live off ?
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Which State is the security located.
You might be able to get a quick short term second mortgage to get started and then can establish the Line of Credit later.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
No problems. Pleasure.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hi Tim
Yes i am an advocate of interest only loans for a multitude of reasons.
With regards to +cash flow properties your rental income will be added to your other income for the year but remember the interest and other cash and non cash expenses can be deducted from this figure.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Are you sure that the Contract was subject to the purchasers receiving approval from the FRIB ?
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Yes certainly makes sense.
The limit amount is the amount considered as your current liability.
It is the same as having a credit card with a limit higher than you actually require – it may effect your borrowing capacity.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hi Anne
Dont worry so does Cameron.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Yes that would be fine. As long as you keep the home loan portion and the LOC separate.
Link your offset account to the home loan and use the LOC to fund deposits and acquisition costs.
Just ensure to maximise the interest savings you have all of your salaried income and rents going directly into the offset.
As Terry has mentioned to utilise a LOC for reducing your interest and mixing both investment and personal borrowings in one is Taxation suicide.Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hate to say the statement about selling a commercial property on retirement is incorrect.
You will pay CGT exactly the same as you will if the property was residential.
My opinion would be to start with a small residential IP and then move forward from there.
More importantly is to ensure that you structure the loan correctly.
Try and avoid cross collateralising the loans as this may prohibit from going forward down the track and can cause all sorts of complications. Your lender will try and encourage this as it locks you in to them and makes it very difficult to see alterantive finance down the track.
With no other liabilities you should ensure the loan is flexible to incorporate an offset account to reduce the interest amount charged.
A good mortgage broker should be able to assist you in setting up not only the loan but also advising on the entity in which you may wish to purchase the property in.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
You could look at a 106% home loan which maybe enough to cover your costs as well as the original purchase price.
Alternatively if you can access the equity in your IP then you could reduce the borrowing amount.
With the higher LVR lends lenders are wating to see good stability in reagdrs to employment and residence but as long as you can provide all documentation fairly quickly 19 days should be achievable.
I assume you can still access the FHOG?
Drop me a line if you need further help.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Sometimes take the plunge can be daunting but worth it.
Clients dont like to pay uncessary costs but sometimes expenses such a LMI are merely an opportunity cost and can help you move forward when equity is tight.
Correct structure is a lot more important for achieving your long term investing goals than trying to save a quid or too on Bank costs.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender