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Hi Monster
Good to have a fellow Pom on the forum as sometimes i get out numbered by the locals.
To answer your question yes all of the interest payable under an investment loan is deductible against your income however do remember that all of the rent earned is also added to the same income.
In the case of the property being positively geared then you will be taxed at your marginal tax rate on the surplus.
It is for this reason that structuring your loan correctly and ensuring that you use the correct entity to buy the property i.e Discretionary Family Trust is worth considering.
An initial mistake can cost you $000 in year to come.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
I am not sure how many independant mortgage brokers would recommend ING for an investment loan in the first place.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
And they are also franchised which means the information you get is as good as the individual who owns the franchise.
They are not Licensed to provide investment advice.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hi Don
Yes there are a few such rebate organisations cropping up all over the place.
You have to ask yourself will they be acting in your best interest or steering you in the direction of someone who offers the highest commission so they can refund some of this back to you.
I have had a few clients look at them and when i have seen what they have suggested to the client and pointed out the pro and cons of the particular most clients have run a mile.
Guess it is upto you what you want out of your loan and your mortgage broker.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
and for trading i use Interactive brokers.Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
You will not do it here it Australia but works well in the land of the Big Mac.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
To add a few more maybe evidence of savings and proof of existing assets.
Just beware and ensure they are experienced in Trust & Investment structures as most have absolutely no idea.
Also beware of any suggested cross collateralisation of securities.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Non of the 5 majors are offering the same rate product now across the board so be careful that you dont switch for switching sake and then find whoever you go to puts up their rate the week after.
The bottom line interest rate is not the be all and end all so consult your broker and see what they can suggest.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Just be very careful adopting that strategy as your current lender will want to X Collateralise the respective securities especially if you are borrowing 100% plus costs.
Mark my words your lender will not structure your loan in a manner that detracts from their security.
A good independant broker familar with Investment & loan structuring would be the place to go even if they put the deal back with your current lender but structure it correctly.
Once you have do it once it is too late to go back with cost and anquish.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hi Alistair
Hate to say i think with your credit report you will struggle.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Having had the Investor Club sell several of our devlopments over the years going back to the early 1996 days I can assure you that they do not declare all of their received commissions to the the buyers.
Furthermore the properties on average do not value up and they blame that on the valuers and not 2 tier marketing.
Wasnt sure KY was still calling himself that these days thought he may have reverted back to his former name under which he went bankrupt.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hate to say in todays climate you will not find anyone on a residential basis.
Last lender i was aware of doing that pulled out in February this year.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Are you referring to $200K each or between them.
If the later then a think a No Doc GR loan to that LVR will be difficult at a sensible rate.
Mez finance is always an option but is getting more expensive by the day.Is there any other security other than the cash injection.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
All they will be showing you is a Line of credit style product with some monitoring thrown in for free.
Most decent licensed brokers will do that for nothing.
I have never charged any thing for any residential mortgage broking service.
Dont get fooled by fancy flow charts or pretty pictures which show you how to save money.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
No its a laurel and hardy double act.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Neither of the mortgage insurers will provide for short term property development funding so you are probably limited to 80% LVR unless you are prepared to pay a early discharge fee then you may find a lender or 2 go to 90%.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Depending on who your lender is they can vary the terms of the loan including the interest rate with merely an appropriate period of notice to you the customer.
The majors have moved a couple of times this month (2 of them on Anzac Day which was really appropriate) without any increase in the official Cash Rate.
Certainly pays to look around and see what you can save now.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Why not post what you are tyring to achieve on the forum (leave the personal bits off) and we can offer some advice and assistance.
Never hurts to get a second opinion on anything in this world.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Property was NSW and yes it was 95% full doc (wont get lodoc at that LVR) rate was 8.61% off the top of my head and Investors Director couldnt place the deal full stop.
A 95% LVR IP loan is obtainable.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
In addition do your parents understand that they will be unable to sell (With restrictions) or utilise the equity in their property for any use down the track.
In the event that the value does not increase at the level you anticipate you would be unable to refinance and release your parents security.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender