As the agent what deposit terms the vendor are accepting.
Often you will be required to present a deposit cheque (personal cheque is normally accpetable) on signing which is usually at a weekend.
Other thing to do is make sure your mortgage broker or financier has organised a valuation on the property prior to you bidding. Remember the financier will lender against purchase price or valuation whichever is the lower.
Just because you have bought a property which has a valuation higher than the contract price you will only be able to borrow against the PP. Conversely if the purchase price was higher than the Bank value it at then you will only be able to borrow against the lower valuation.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
This day an age most deals are done online and you end up seeing so few of your clients face to face.
I have clients all around Australia and throughout the world who i havent ever seen face to face or even spoken to. Email is just an accepted form of communication these days.
With regards to an Accountant can give you an excellent one of the northern Gold Coast but not the SC.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Assuming the land is zoned appropriately and your builder has confirmed that the house you wish to construct will fit on the block i.e No building envelopes or unusual convenants on the land then the clauses you have mentioned should be fine.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Assuming the land is zoned appropriately and your builder has confirmed that the house you wish to construct will fit on the block i.e No building envelopes or unusual convenants on the land then the clauses you have mentioned should be fine.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Depending on who the lender is will determine whether any of the offset can be applied to the fixed portion. Most lenders will limit the offset to the variable rate although there is a few exceptions.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Get your Broker to organise the valuation for you and you supply the valuer with the mentioned information.
They will only use their panel valuers and you do not get to choose who that is but at least as long as the valuation is a "Fair Market Value" valuation who should be ok.
We organise them for clients all the time so as mentioned your Broker should be able to do this for you.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
One of the main reasons i would recommend a IO loan on your PPOR is what starts off as your main residence can often end up as an IP as your outgrow the property and want to upsize.
I have seen so many clients pay down their PPOR and then decide to buy somewhere else and assume that they can either redraw or take out a new loan on the original PPOR and the interest will be tax deductible. Of course this is not the case.
If you keep it as an IO loan with 100% offset you can merely switch the offset account to the new property and retain the original loan balance on the old PPOR. The full interest on the original loan balance is deductible.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
I never like to disagree with Terry but for once i have to:
I think GST only applies to residential properties if they are new – ie being sold for the first time, otherwise they are exempt.
This is actually incorrect. The definition in the Tax Act when it comes to 2nd hand properties relates to "Substantial Renovation" and causes many a refurber to come unstuck.
As someone who with my Building partner has bought, strata titled, renovated and then onsold old blocks of units around Brisbane for the last 12 years I have come across this on dozens of ocassions. We obtained a Private Ruling and I would strongly recommend anyone doing it for a living does likewise.
The Margin Scheme will certainly help you but does little to aid profitability if you havent factored in the 10% GST and are relying on this to determine the viability of the deal.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Yes 20 is the majic number under the MIA but i think you will also find that ASIC require reduced documentation whenever you are placing an ad for investment funds.
If you now the investor then possibly you could get away with it however any ad will require full disclosure.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Wow sounds an absolute bargain with personal email access.
I have owned Beachfront US property for nearly 25 years in CA (seen it go from $89,000 USD when i purchased it to over $2Million now) and financed over 100 Aussies into the US over the last 5 years and will answer any email question you have personally for nothing.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender