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Probably best i dont comment on such organisations as the quality of staff and experience within these organisations is reflected in what they earn.
Most of these organisations would have no idea how to structure a loan properly and have no experience in dealing with investors. There are few organisations out there of which many of the Banks will not deal with due to the level or Professionalism.
Guess like anything you get what you pay for.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
You most certainly are not bound by any loan offered by this Broker so merely write to him and tell him you do not wish to proceed.
Most lenders do not charge an application fee so you will be ok there as long as you havent paid for a valuation fee you should be able to get out without any cost to you.
Difficult to comment on whether any loan is appropriate for a client without all of the information but just be careful that if you go through a Bank you make sure they structure your loan correctly. Most lenders will have absolutely no idea.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
No most lenders will not consider income from border or lodgers to increase your serviceability however like anything there is always one or two who will if the lvr is right.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hi Alani
Sorry dont always agree with that as most lenders work out what the Prinicipal & interest component of the loan would be even if you take out an interest only loan.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Why not post what they recommend and we can comment on it for you.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Trust me nothing is free with the TIC.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Save you money and the stress and pain you will go through.
Let alone the bully boy sales tactics.
Read the previous comments in this post about people who have been ripped off by this organisation.
I have clients who almost feel into the trap of attending a seminar and then saw the folly of their ways…… just in time.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Sorry to doubt your current MB but i am not convinced that is right.
Obviously he has the benefit of the finer details but everything you have mentioned sounds good so far.
Many ways to skin a cat when it comes to serviceability.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Q- Do you structure a seperate loan and a seperate offset account for each property?
No need. As long as the loan amount is > than the offset amount you can maintain 1 offset account.
This assumes all of the properties are held in the same entity name.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Assuming all parties are not related i.e Spouse / Defacto the only way is to purchase 3 separate properties which you each respectively reside in.
There is no other way.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
You wont convince the lender to waive these as they are his economic cost of repaying the loan.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Wow you must have incredibly high liabilities or living costs.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Terry can i answer that one for you ……………… NO
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Duplicated post
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hi Lucy
Not an easy answer on a forum but here goes.
I would be switching the current loan to an interest only loan with 100% offset and put everything into this account.
If when you come to purchase the new IP later in the year get the current property revalued and set up a LOC against the available equity.
Draw this down to proivde a deposit / acquisition costs and retain the cash in the offset account.
This way the interest is tax deductible yet you still have flexibility with the loan.These funds can always be used once you find a new PPOR but in the meantime keep them liquid.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Event Horizon
Just to correct you there. CBA is not a fully transactional offset account so doesnt suit the purpose of most borrowers.
The extra 0.15% off the fixed rate is available only through the CBA Pro pack and has an annual fee of $350.
The 0.2% is also available with another major but again has an annual fee.
There are a couple of deals with lower interest rates but that all have some disadvantage.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Interest will be charged on the land and then on the progressive stages until the loan amount is fully drawn and the property completed..
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
In a nutshell if you are looking to refinance an existing loan (either to get a better interest rate or to take out some cash) then good luck.
Neither of the main mortgage insurers will allow a refinance under lodoc so you are basically limited to a 60% LVR which is really practical or a minow lender who will go to 80%.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Sorry call me old fashioned but how will a US loan modification workshop benefit an Australian client with all of his loans and securities in Australia when you consider the vary differences in lending policy between US and Australian lender?
Now if you are telling me you can arrange Foreign National loans for the US thats different and I will come myself.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
No shortage of development funding available just the requirements are tighter and you need good asset backing and serviceability.
Got a small 80% of GR LVR over the line this week for an established developer who was putting in Nothing.
Had a standard 70% LVR on the land and wnated 110% of construction costs.Those developers who are highly geared are the ones who will feel the first pinch.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender