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Hi Alpha
Firstly welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your time with us.
As Terry has mentioned the two are totally separate beasts and perform different functions.
You would be better of not only to approach a mortgage broker to obtain a pre-approval but more importantly put the wheels in motion on how to structure your deal to enable you to move ahead without complications.
You want to avoid cross collateralising your loan where possible and getting this set up will take a while so best to act sooner rather than later.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
I think you are shopping in the wrong place.
Most of our customers are paying 5.05% with 100% offset on loans more than $250K.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Wont comment too much about point 1 as i think that is an individual decision.
I dont believe in ever taking on too much bad debt however if you have good employment and sound income then at the moment there are some real long term bargains to be had. Remember what is a depresed house price today will not be tomorrow and over the long term you are likely to see some excellent capital growth.
Yes an offset account (as long it is fully transactional and 100%) is a must in any climate.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hi Brian
Firstly welcome to the forum and from what you also said welcome to Australia.
Not sure from where you originate but i am also a fairly new Australian moving from the UK 15 years ago.
Certainly with the information you have provided i think you will find most lenders will welcome you through the doors but you have to remember that you need a loan not only to suit your present circumstances but also to be flexible enough to grow with you in the future should you decide to purchase an investment property or indeed want to release equity for other investment asset classes.
As a rule of thumb in the current climate for every $10,000 you borrow it will cost you around $65 / month to pay back the principal and interest. So for $100,000 this will cost $650 / month.
In Australia you are unable to claim a tax deduction for the interest on your principal place of residence so you need to utilise as many strategies as possible to reduce the interest payable on your mortgage.
As for a decent mortgage broker unfortunately i dont now one lol.
Any other questions feel free to ask away.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
No worries Bigpond.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
A few answers for you:
We want to clear (we will need landowner signatures on the application to do this) and build a dam and establish a house site and build on the block. We will need the owners signatures on applications to do all of this. How can we go about this if we are not the landowners? The Contract could be constructed in such a way that the Vendor agrees to sign and lodge all applications however you cover the costs. In the event that you do not settle however the vendor will have the benefit of your work.
Apparently the vendor keeps the titile in there name until all monies have been paid out. If this is the case, who pays the rates if the vendor is still legally the owner? Yes the Vendor certainly does retain Title to the property until such time as you pay the balance of the loan. In most Instalment Contracts i have done or prepared for clients you would pay for the rate and building insurance.
What happens if we want to sell? trying to sell somthing thats not even in our name ? It is a good point and one most purchasers looking for Vendor FInance do not ask or realise. Whilst you are right that normally you cannot sell something you do not own the mechanics of such are that you will sign the sale contract with a simultanious settlement with the original vendor.
What happens if in 5 years time we want to refinance it with our bank?Is it possible for us to purchase a vendor financed bush block, transfer title in our name so we can do what we want with the land and have a caveate placed apon the title for the vendors safety? Yes it is possible but unlikely the Vendor would agree especially if the Vendor has a loan upon the property or wishes to use the property as security for his own borrowings.
Whilst this in it own right is fraut with danger for you you realistically are unlikely to ever now how he structures his financings. Not until there is a problem anyway.Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Oh yes totally agree Terry but as you say "done correctly" is the main criteria.
Not a good one for clients just intending to live of equity.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Oh yes totally agree Terry but as you say "done correctly" is the main criteria.
a good one
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Oh yes totally agree Terry but as you say "done correctly" is the main criteria.
a good one for
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Oh yes totally agree Terry but as you say "done correctly" is the main criteria.
a good
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Oh yes totally agree Terry but as you say "done correctly" is the main criteria.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Mick not so easy to shop around these days as there are only 2 dominant players and for an off the plan property over 12 months that soudns about right.
Like anything insurers are worried about loosing money like everyone else.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hi adrain
Firstly welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your time with us.
When you state that you intend to become more active is this because you intend to be buying and selling or merely try and increase your portfolio.
The reason i ask is because the way you structure the funding and the entity which you would use to purchase these properties will depending on the strategy. This in turn will determine whether you need to are required to register for an ABN and or GST.
With a little more information about how you want to go forward a suitable answer can be provided with supporting advice.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Firstly good luck and this answer is not trying to sound flipant.
Realisically i dont think you have any chance of having funds available for settlement by the 6th April unless you have other security and a short term funding arrangement can be utilised.
If you need a high lvr or GR finance based on end debt valuation i think you have no chance in obtaining in such a short period of time and will struggle to get it approved full stop in the current commercial market.
Sounds like you are trying to obtain GR funding on something that hasnt been approved yet.
If i am way off the market please post additional details.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
In essence rather than servicing the debt each month the interest is added to the original loan amount hence the debt gets bigger and bigger.
Ideal when price appreciation is greater than the interest being capitalised but no so good in a stagnant or declining market.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
They are as good as the Broker they then send you off to.
Brokers can subscribe to the deal and offer to take a cut in commission and then bid on the loan deal. Like anything if a Broker is cutting his commission or payment he is starting to get desparate and do you really want to deal with a desparate Broker who has time to ring you back or answer your query etc.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hi Ridiga
No i am assuming you have used a Discretionary Family Trust to purchase this property.
Have to say with the speed that lodoc is disappearing I would be getting the application in fairly quickly as anything over 60% many lenders require copies of your BAS for the last 2 quarters.
A good mortgage broker should be able to steer you in the right direction but remember are only human and whilst i like to think i can perform miracles sometimes leave that to a higher power.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
I am assuming that the lvr is less than 60% as Anz wont do lodoc above this LVR.
80% is still available but you need to be quick as it wont last forever.
I am doing one for a client at the mo and there where only 2 lenders we could find still doing lodoc on HDT structures.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
I am with Terry never have never would.
Ideal for the new Broker who deals with FHB you are chasing rate but for structuring a loan or for where to put it software is useless.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hi Courtney
Firstly welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy time with us.
Certainly based on your income figures you appear to have sufficient serviceability to acquire a new IP or two.
I am assuming that your other $50K of loans are not secured against your PPOR otherwise if they are equity will be limited.A good mortgage broker can crunch the numbers for you and devise a strategy on moving forward.
As my adage remains structure the loans correctly without cross collateralising them.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender