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Pros – They will do it so a rarity.
Cons – They approve 1 in a million and take ever and a day so dont be suprised if yours is declined or if they ask for paperwork coming out of your ears before declining.
I find Suncorp's service a disgrace so would prefer not to use them unless i was desparate.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
What do you consider fast.
Most lenders offer an electronic lodgement process where all being equal you can get a conditional approval in a matter of minutes subject to providing them with evidence of documentation.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
One of the best on the GC is Steve Hodgkinson who is a partner at Gold Business Group in Southport.
Steve has been my Accountant for nearly 15 years and is an expert on property.
His contact number is 55322855.
Tell him i sent you as most good property Accountants are not taking on new clients.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
GOM Yes you are right it is impossible thru the Big 5.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Tracey ok noted.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Tom if in doubt as Terry mentioned look at your Letter of Offer under secutities and see what they have listed for the new loan.
If both securities are listed it is a tell tale sign of CC ing.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Not saying there arent exceptions but it is a standard condition of the Package.
When i was with the Dragon there were lots of rules we didnt used to comply with but still were supposed to.
To avoid CC the securities you need to make note on the submission otherwise under the package they are automatically crossed.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Cross Collateralising securities can often be a condition of similar based products to the NAB Portfolio product.
Take the Dragon Professional package – Advantage it is a condition of the package that each loan be crossed with each other and they are not alone.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Tracy hate to disagree just done 6 units on the 1 Title at 80% lvr.
Admitedly this lender is slightly unusual and does things that other lenders dont.
Not everyones cup of tea but serves a purpose if the client and security is right.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Wont be CC'd but will have a potential problem under the All Monies Clause.
Depending on the overall situation I wouldnt have a problem with what he has suggested but if you want to be totally safe use a separate lender.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hate to say Com Banks policy on Non Residents is a shocker so definately wouldnt be going there.
You need a Broker with a good balance of Expat and non resident clients who understands the mechanics of being an overseas investor.
Remember if you are non a permanent resident you will be more than likely limited to what you can and cant buy.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
There are no monthly fees under a NAB choice package.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Must admit i wouldnt have said CGT was a disadvantage although it would more likely be treated as Trading income.
Profit is profit.
You would normally do it by way of a Put and Call option and as long as the Option priemium if fairly small you would have little to loose and a lot to gain.
Course in Vic you would have Stamp Duty on the Option but again all relative in the scheme of things.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Be prepared to have the chequebook open and plenty in it.
Certainly think you an do better than C & N.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Dont need to be in the property 6 months for GCT but you certainly do for the FHOG and possibly the Stamp Duty concession.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Point take Dan
To correct –
F could borrow 90% of his current valuation = $470,000 x 90% = $423,000 – existing loan of $360,000 gives $63,000.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hi Kev
Firstly welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your time with us.
Admitedly as a Broker I have a vested interest but i will try and be objective as possible.
1) Unless you intend to remain in the current PPOR for ever and a day I would not try and reduce the principal as quickly as possible. In fact i would do the exact opposite i would look to switch the loan to an interest only with 100% offset account.
2) Whilst where equity allows I would avoid LMI you need to look it as an opportunity cost. Try to gear the IP as highly as possible within reason so that the LMI is deductible as a loan cost (Deductible over 5 years or the term of the loan whichever is shorter).
Personally i wouldnt put off buying an IP merely because i was going to incur LMI on the loan.
Think to yourself would i pay an additional amount of say $3000 for the property (or whatever the appropriate mortgage insurance premium would be).
Normally the answer would be Yes and the cost of the LMi would not change your mind.
3) Seems to be a pet hate of mine Cross collateralising loans but certainly where possible i would aviod it totally. There are more negatives than positives to CC your loans.
4) Rams thankfully no longer accepts business through the Broker Channel as if the truth be known Westpac are running short of money and need to source more profitable funds. The customer service with Rams was non existent and really the product mix reflected their lack of desire to write new business.
Dont use a mortgage broker is all you interested in is the cheapest interest rate of the week.
Most clients use organisation like mine because we can structure the loan for you to suit your needs both now and in the future and enable to carry on purchasing.We like to think we add value to the clients loan rather than churn out another set of forms for completion.
Any Broker can fill in your paperwork but a Broker who specialises in Investors loans can ensure that you have a clear path ahead of you to maximise your property wealth over time.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
With certain conditions
After living in a property for 6 months – it becomes CGT exempt for 6 years
is the accurate one of the two.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
No hate to say i agree with the ATO on this one.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Yes many lenders do offer 100% offset with an interest only loan and we structure most clients loans that way even if it is there PPOR.
Banker FYI Dan is a Tax Accountant.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender