I have read it and gathered i can get a consession on the transfer fee, is this correct, i am just so overwhelmed by all this at the moment. I appreciate all of your support and knowledge, and hope to pass it on to someone one day when i also know more [biggrin]
My house was in the category “Up to $250,000” trust me id not afford a house that expensive just at the moment!! But its in that category *yay*
So am i entiteled to “Basic concessional duty for all home buyers” ??? = $2,500 ??
and then ” Less additional rebate for first home buyers” $2,500 ?
I guess im not sure what that document is saying though ive read it a few times he he.. my heads all numbers and contracts! [blush2]
It would be daft to let that grant go, and since it appears legal, to the best of our knowledge we are not breaking laws, and while getting our foot in the door of real estate.
Let me know how you go with your house, i was so scared when i signed my contract you know investment and commitment and that!