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  • Profile photo of prudentjurisprudentjuris
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 2

    Be very wary of taking advice from a company which has a vested interest in you investing. If you are going to do anything like this make sure you have an experienced INDEPENDANT lawyer and accountant check out the package i.e. not someone recommended by the invesment company AND listen to their advice. Carolyn

    Profile photo of prudentjurisprudentjuris
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 2

    Hi a friend sent me the link to this blog. I am the lawyer who operates  and wrote the blog about my experience with Empowernet. You asked about Stephen Molnar he was involved with Henry Kaye. I love attending seminars – apart from the information you invariably get there is nothing like the energy from the room. The important thing is not to get carried away and sign up for every course. Do your research. Empowernet lost over $20m in the last financial period. If anyone is interested email me at [email protected] and I will send you copies of the financials and some other information I have on the company. I have done Tony Robbins UPW and it is great. I have also done Stephen Pierce's course and love Chris Howard – if anyone wants free tickets to Chris who will be running his BTS in Sydney the weekend after Easter email me and I can give you a link for 2 free tickets. . I am getting my book "How to Avoid Sharks" ready for the pubolisher because I think there  is a real need with so much interest in investing for some words of caution and some sensible rules. When I finish the book at the end of this month I will be finishing some free e-books of my rules for nvesting which I have developed after 30 years as a property developers' lawyer and someone who made an lost a fortune by trusting the wrong – despite my knowledge and experience. I will be doing seminars on everything from property to surviving divorce and litigation. I will not be using the model of free seminar and hard sell I will be charging about $250 per head awith a money back guarantee and the information wIl save you heaps. If any of you ever want to run anything past me please feel free. My website will be launched over the next couple of weeks but if anyone would like to have a look and send me comments I would be most appreciative. Regards Carolyn  PS Your blog is about 4th or 5th when you Google "Empowernet" My blog was 2nd on the page and since then they put up enough entries to push me to page 4! 

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