prudentjuris replied to the topic Property Investment companies in the forum Opinionated! 16 years, 9 months ago
Be very wary of taking advice from a company which has a vested interest in you investing. If you are going to do anything like this make sure you have an experienced INDEPENDANT lawyer and accountant check out the package i.e. not someone recommended by the invesment company AND listen to their advice. Carolyn
prudentjuris replied to the topic WARNING! Empowernet Advanced Real Estate Mastery in the forum Opinionated! 16 years, 9 months ago
Hi a friend sent me the link to this blog. I am the lawyer who operates and wrote the blog about my experience with Empowernet. You asked about Stephen Molnar he was involved with Henry Kaye. I love attending seminars – apart from the information you invariably get there is nothing like the energy from the room. The i…[Read more]